We’ll never be dead to the world again
Kategori: Allmänt
Var Hälsad!
(if you are suffering from diabetes, DON'T read any further)
Some of you trusty Facebook or Twitter followers might already know but since 2011-08-02, I’m encaged engaged to be married! On our eight-month anniversary, I courageously (and nervously) popped the question, after fooling Ella out on a late night moonlight stroll here on the beach of Falkenberg. You might think that eight months is not a major milestone of a relationship but fact is; time durations don’t matter much for us, since we both have been very certain of this since the day we met, which is indeed more than three years ago now. There was never any doubt or a question of IF or HOW, it was more of WHEN!? Love always finds a way. And for us it did so eight months ago. We have been patient enough during the years, and not at one single moment have I doubted my preserved feelings for her. I will completely and full heartily surrender to this power; something my heart already did a long time ago. Elsa, you are what keeps me believing there’s something good left in this world. I love you now, and I will continue to do so as long as this body draws breath, and as long as there’s a heart pounding in this chest. I will always be yours...
The token of all I am
The morning after, we spoiled ourselves with a champagne breakfast together with compulsory strawberries. Then we took yet another stroll in the blameless sunny weather, which some higher force may have conveniently blessed us with this faithful day. Even though not much has physically changed (except maybe the addition of the shining jewelry on my ring finger) everything tasted better today. All colors seemed to reflect more beautifully than ever before, and every breath oxygenated my body and soul like a hurricane.
Champagne breakfast
Blameless sunny weather
Notice Resturant Gustaf Bratt still standing :,(
I booked a restaurant on the beach for dinner where the celebrations could continue. I don’t even remember much what we talked about; it could not really ring through the loud resonance of my own happiness this day. Save from the day I met her, this could very well be the most blissful day of my existence.
My heart
Absent-minded much?
After dinner and dessert, we walked down the beach and into city where we could expose innocent citizens to our love, whatever they liked it or not.
Sunset on the beach
Waking up the morning after, we discovered in the sad news that Restaurant Gustaf Bratt had been burnt down to cinders during the night of our engagement day. I remember us walking by their on our way home early in the morning, when it was still standing. Whether it got scorched by our uncontainable love flame during our brief passing, or there were other perpetrators, the story does not unravel…
Bratt, you will be missed
Sullen Clothing has recently supplied me with a package of their new threads. I’ve been supporting Sullen since 2008, and there is not much out there that can compete with their remarkable designs. Be sure to LIKE their Facebook page, and also check their official website out here.
Sullen Clothing
The Swedish (Luleå) act Beneath my Feet have now released their latest effort; “Wake up, Stand up”. I’ve provided them with guest vocals on the song with the same name. If you have Spotify be sure to check it out here. If Spotify is not available in your country check the song on YouTube here. There’s even a download link here. Also be sure to enter their website, and LIKE their Facebook page. Make me proud and support good music!
Beneath My Feet - Wake Up, Stand Up
In camp Faithful Darkness, Jimmy "Judas" Persson has now successfully nailed all clean vocals parts on Black Mirror’s Reflection. We also did some gang vocals for “Hate Injection” and “Answers For Your Sins”. Once again, we recorded vocals in Mikael Sällström’s studio and Sällström Audio in Halmstad. He did a great job, as always! So, all that’s left now are my vocals and some guitars. After that, we will send it back to The Abyss and Jonas Kjellgren for the final mixing. Here’s a video of the recent drum recording:
Jocke doing what he does best: Hitting stuff at high-velocity
Some pictures from the clean vocals recording in Mikael Sällström’s studio:
Mikael Sällström’s legendary studio
And the legend himself, his hairy self
A cleanvocalist doing his thing. What that now is, I wouldn't know.
Beastiallity going on in another part of the room
Making sure the drummer don't sleep out on all the fun, fun, fun
Gangvocals with Bill & Bull
"Don't feed the animals"
It's a wrap! Done for the day
Regarding The Unguided, we are currently just rehearsing for the Malmö gig. We will, however, have a stand-in drummer for this show, since John is busy with his upcoming wedding. The drummer featured at the Malmöfestivalen gig is Per Qvarnström, who plays drums in By Night (listen to them here). This is Karin’s boyfriend’s band. So, we are still kind of keeping it in the family! Hehe. We are currently done with all pre-production recordings of Phoenix Down, Serenade of Guilt and Iceheart Fragment. And they are more than ready to be immortalized in the studio soon! After that, we’ll take on the next (and last) batch of songs for the debut album. I like how we write them in different sessions, it keeps everything motivating at all the times, and we’re always high on inspiration. If you are coming to the Malmö show, please join the Facebook event here.
"Hi Per!"
The weekend after the engagement, we threw an engagement party. Ella called down her cavalry from Stockholm, and I invited the natives of Falkenberg. This unholy alliance between east and west was to hit everyone’s liver harder than the mailman hit your mom, that’s a fact. The Stockholm emissaries arrived closer to midnight the day before the festivity, which called for a foul start of the alcohol-related mayhem we prepared.
Foul start
We were prepared!
Some of the Stockholm emissaries
James Hetfield joined in
Alcohol-related mayhem
After some social drinking in our apartment, we headed down to the city and Harry’s Pub. Everything went fine until someone ordered in liquorice shots. That’s where my memory started to fade.
We found a native!
The fantastic three
Comparing tattoos
The host and the hostess
"You're awesome!"
After this picture was taken: Memory = Blank
Woke up the day after with a horrible headache and there was not much to do, other than to put on some gear, and reload the blood circulation with more liquor.
Headed down to the beach to check out the new renovated hotel, bistro and restaurant; Strandbaden. This is where we continued the celebrations and had dinner. Really nice abroad feel they got going there after the renovation. Good job!
"Skrea Strand"
For black wind, fire and LOVE
Some sugar on that honey
For that to work, Is it not suppose to go INTO the ice container?
"Soak the ooze!"
Future wife! :D
We hurried back to the apartment to let our native guests in. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and also each other in some cases. Unfortunately I can’t tell you more after that. Since I was running on 9 hours of drinking, and almost no sleep, I passed out like a little girl before midnight. I’d like to apologize for this, but I never was a very good drinker, hehe. I’m grateful for everyone who DID show up, however, and thankful for your generous display of interest in one of the biggest happenings of my life. Even if I wasn’t present mentality all the time, I was right there with you, bodily… sort of. Anyways, GOOD TIMES!
Back at The Unguided HQ
Another unguided man joined the fun
Stoffe is skeptical
Happy times
Meanwhile on the balcony...
The day after sucked, though…
Dual massive hungover
So this is the same order. Mine is to the right, Ella's to the left hehe.
The engagement week we also visited Gothenburg’s funfair; Liseberg. Liseberg is the largest and most visited funfair in Scandinavia. Take that Gröna Lund! We spent a whole day there; and dedicated a majority of the time to love swarm and was of course devotedly buttery altogether. We did, however, ride all the thrilling attractions as well, since we’re two badass motherfuckers. Here are pictures from the day:
Fun, fun, fun
Badass motherfuckers
License to ride
The fearsome "Balder"
Overheard discussion: "The blue one have problems with the breaks..." :S
Celebrating our survival with icecream
So this one goes up...
And this one goes.. down? right?
Rerolled Gnomes
Mirror, Mirror
Retard much?
Wheel of Love
Deliver us, director's cut
This didn't make it to the final cut either
She's cute, smart and fun... AND ALL MINE!!!!!! >=)
A huge love swing
Eden fire, before the actual fire
The garden of lust and the lustress herself
Peach! :D
Last ride
Grandma had her 80th birthday the other week, as well. We celebrated her in Varberg, 20 minutes north of Falkenberg. I gave her a The Unguided shirt, a hug, and a gold bracelet from all the grandchildren. Happy birthday, grandma!^
Happy B-Day Grandma!
To soft start a bit for next year’s Getaway Rock Festival and Manowar, Per the politician, Ella, my sister, and I had a Manowar evening as well. We watched one of their live DVD’s, drank beer, and made the sign of the hammer.
Manowar, Born to live forever more
If you haven’t got enough buttery love in this blog, or died of diabetes already, here are more beautiful pictures:
Chrimp & wine evenings
New family members
More chrimps & wine
Transformers 3D
Send your questions to: [email protected]
Q: Every time I read the lyrics of Crowned In Despair the last two lines are:
”It was never your fault, mind ghosts clouded my view
It was nothing you did, just couldn't help my insecurity from shining through”
Since it’s not in the actual song can you please explain why is that written there?
A: My thought for those lines was to have some clean vocals in the middle-eight with those lyrics. But in the end we had very brief time to record the clean vocals, so this was scratched, or forgotten in all the haste. Later on, when I published the lyrics, I forgot to remove the lines.

Crowned in Despair
Q: Now everyone knows that the intro of the old Betrayer of the Code is from Queen of the Damned. But what is the intro of The Curse of a Gift from?
A: The Curse of a Gift intro is from a Tunes of Silence rehearsal recording of Bad Religion – American Jesus. It’s a pitched version, so if you slow it down in some software you can hear what it sounds like.
Q: Are there any particular reasons why didn’t FA play the Fall From Heaven songs live? Because as I recall there are some live performances from the Fallen Angels era but not from FFH. Or are they just not on YouTube?
A: We played FFH songs back in 2002-2003, YouTube opened up their site 2005. So I think they managed to go under the radar! We did play them, though.
Q: In Soulstone Splinter what are you screaming right after; “Damage is done but nothing is in vain” and before ”You will walk together again and forget the pain”? They’re right at [1:31:00 – 1:33:15], [2:33:08 – 2:35:20] and [3:51:05 – 3:53:20] if that matters.
A: Echo of “Is in vain”.

In vain
Q: Are you looking forward to watch Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit coming out this year?
A: For sure! Haven’t been reading up to much on the project compared to what I did back before LOTR was released, but of course I’m looking forward to go back to Middle-earth!
Q: Whose idea was it to bring a second vocalist in SS after the Eden Fire album?
A: Since we liked the concept of Jailbreak, and how that came out, we based the pre-production songs of Only inhuman after the same formula. During this time we got signed by Nuclear Blast and touring really was supposed to begin. I didn’t think we would get away with backtracking Roland’s voice for much longer by having Robin to mime them, since more and more songs featured clean vocals. Roland was not a member of SS when we signed with Nuclear Blast, but he sure was featured a lot in the songs we got signed with. So, it felt a bit like going behind their back as well. Karin called him and asked if he wanted to jump in for a gig, and then later to join fulltime, which he did. We all thought it was a good idea, and were pretty anxious over it before he decided to accept the offer because it would kind of put us in an awkward situation.
Q: I noticed when listening to Pain’s new album that they covered a Sonic Syndicate song called ”Leave me alone”. Can’t you do a cover on Pain’s songs; Monkey Buisness or Shut Your Mouth, would be sick with you and Roland?
A: It was addressed in this Q&A. It’s actually the other way around; we are covering Pain’s song, even though it was released later. Or, well, Peter wrote a song for us. For the upcoming TU album, there won’t be a Pain cover, but there will be a cover. Something a bit more different from what you would expect, I believe.
Q: You guys were awesome at Grand Rock!! Do you guys have any more gigs planned? When and where? I so much want to see you again!
A: Why, thank you! It was proper fun. We have a gig planned at Malmöfestivalen. Check out the Facebook event here.

Q: I've been wondering about something. I'm guessing you are a pretty vain person, aren't you? (Which I can totally understand) And I also think you’re confident about yourself. Were you always as confident as now? How did your confidence evolve? With working out? Or when you saw that girls do like you? Or the confidence maybe was one of the reason girls like you? What does your girlfriend like about you the most? (Yeah, and congrats bro :D). But also when I read the lyrics of Beauty and the Freak which as I recall you wrote (or some of it) the chorus doesn't suggest that much of a confidence so do you feel sometimes that way? Maybe some lack of confidence made you today who you are?
A: First off; weirdest question ever, hehe. I’ve always been confident about myself, and it has nothing to do with my constitution, even if I’m very happy with my physique, as well. What I’m most proud of about myself is my psyche, however. I consider myself to have a very strong psyche, and a great deal of self-distance and submission. That’s hard to come by in this fucked up world where a lot of people get treated badly, especially when growing up which is a very critical period. Being abused when you’re young might unfortunately very well cast shadows over your life until the day you perish. I, however, had the happiest childhood ever. And ever since then, my life has treated me exceptionally good. Some might say luck, and I’m ready to agree with that. My life has been infused with a truckload of luck, and for that I’m grateful. I’m not sure what my girlfriend likes most about me. I’d love to say something shameless but I’ll just say the ability to make her feel happy is something she highly values. Nathan wrote the lyrics to Beauty and the Freak except my own parts, save from the chorus, which he wrote entirely. Be very certain of this; I don’t feel ugly, I feel too sexy for my shirt... In fact so sexy it hurts.

Too sexy for my shirt
Q: How often do you use makeup? Do you consider yourself hotter in it in the everyday life or is it just shows or photo-shoots? Do you find it common (especially in the metal world)? And how does your environment look at that if they realize it? Or you're like an "I couldn't care less" kind of guy? (Which is pretty much R'n'R (Y) :D)
A: I use it for photo-shoots, shows, and some rare occasions when I went out in Stockholm, as well. Well, I don’t consider myself looking hotter with it, possibly more EVUL, if that’s not a synonym. When you go up on stage you take on a role, same deal with this blog, or my public Facebook. That’s a role; the actual Richard is a bit different (or characteristics of me are enhanced in the role.) With wearing make-up on shows, I underline not only my eyes but also the fact I’m playing a character because that’s nothing I would do in my daily living. That’s the way I want to look at it. It’s more than common in the metal world, yeah. What my environment would think about it? Well, I sure wouldn’t care a rat’s ass about it.
Q: Will you do a gig in Stockholm before the summer is over or in Stockholm at all?
A: Nothing planned as of now.
Q: During your live gigs, who was the crowd? Were they moshing a lot, maybe a Wall of Death or something? Or "only" headbanging? :)
A: I don’t know who they were, unfortunately I didn’t find the time to go around and ask for identification. I’ll put more effort into it next time.

"Identification, please"
Q: Did you stop with UnguidedTV? Would be really cool if you did more every now and then!
A: We did not stop with it, it’s just on vacation. I think it would be cool if we could do more with that. This question was answered in this Q&A, however.
Q: When will you release another album and will there be more album packages?
A: Another album? I wasn’t aware the debut was even out yet. You’re way ahead of me pal! The album (expected for this winter) will come with a new package yes, and it’s possible we’ll do a fun surprise before that, as well.
Q: finally a new blog! after the gig there wouldn't show up a new blog, almost thought you passed away (='[ ) i have 2 things to say first of all: you have to stay up-to-date of the great gaming clan: the unguided clan ( i created it with a friend) and, i wanted to ask, if you get a THE UNGUIDED email address (that i get probably soon because i have the crest tattooed on my… underarm?) is it possible to use for.. messenger? Xbox live? And with which programs can you check your mail then? (I’m using hotmail.com now...) maybe these are stupid questions to you but I believe you never answered this questions and i would like to know the answers ;)
A: That’s cool with the clan and all! You’ll get your @the-unguided.com mail address once you provide me with a picture of your tattoo. And it can be used for anything, messenger, and Xbox live alike! It’s a forward mail however, so when send an e-mail to it; It will forward it to the e-mail you select for it. For example, my [email protected] forwards all my mails to [email protected].
Q: Do you already know when you will have your spot at the Malmö festivalen?
A: The stage is called “Lilla Sydsvenskan” and the time will be 18:00 - 19:00.
Q: Will there be an album announce / pre-order the next month?
A: No.
Q: Do you already know, if all the songs, you have performed live, will be on the upcoming album?
A: All of them will be featured on the upcoming album, its possible one of the “Nightmareland” songs won’t be featured on the album to make the “Nightmareland” EP a bit more unique but nothing is set in stone yet. The album versions will be a bit different from the EP anyhow.
Q: I found this Metal Hammer UK (yeah I know...) and they compared them to Sonic Syndicate. AND I HAPPEN TO AGREE! I think that if you guys would have gotten a female vocalist instead of Nathan, that something similar to this could be the outcome. ^^ And I kind of like it actually... what do you think of them?
A: I’ve mentioned Amaranthe before in this blog, and I like what they are doing. I wouldn’t say there are huge similarities to Sonic Syndicate (I mean there are three vocalists, not two! Hehe), but their debut album is really solid!

Q: ooo..I’m sorry for the question but I’m interested in date, when your album will be on sale?!
Can you ask me!?
A: I’m engaged… No date! The album will show up eventually and… can I ask you what?
Q: Why did Only Inhuman and Love and Other Disasters have an alternate artwork (hell, Only Inhuman had 5 different artworks ><), any particular reason why We Rule the Night didn't?
A: You mean different artworks officially released then? Because Only Inhuman had way more than five different artwork ideas before we settled for the “fly” one. More like thirty if, I remember it correctly. WRTN had a couple of variations as well, but I think the only one used for print was the moon one. If you saw the WRTN tour and spotted the side banners of the stage; that bat thingy was one artwork suggestion for the album, for example.

It looked something like this
Q: Did you write some of the parts of All About Us or is it all original?
A: Lyrically, I didn’t change anything to it. Vocal arrangement-wise, we did a few changes and Roger did some tweaking in the music obviously since it was originally a pop-song.
Q: I've read the bio of the unguided, nice work! Was wondering if you could do the same thing for Dodge and Inhale?
A: The Unguided bio is just that; a The Unguided biography. Dodge and Inhale have little to do with the existence of The Unguided and are elements of Roland’s own personal career. Also, I do not really know anything about the bands. So, what you should do is to ask Roland to write something about it if that’s what you are interested in: [email protected]
Q: If Sonic Syndicate where to disband all of a sudden, would you get the rights back to all the music or should no one end up with the copyrights?
A: If Sonic were to disband, it would not change a thing, since the copyrights are personally tied to the five of us. (Save for WRTN, where there are six people sharing the copyrights.) It’s not to the name or band itself that owns the rights. Roland declined his rights to songs, and can only perform them by creating a personal contract with the five of us. Nothing would happen if the band itself didn’t exist any longer, seeing the people who hold the copyrights are still around. There are no loopholes. As long as one of them is not cooperative, that’s all it takes for us to not be able to play the songs. Enough about this subject! We are not looking to play Sonic Syndicate material at all any longer. Move on! Nothing to see here.
Q: I was wondering, in most songs you've wrote why is there always the chorus sung three times?
A: Because that’s how the professionals do it. It’s always three! It’s the magic number. Somewhere in that ancient mystic trinity, you get three. It’s the magic number.

It's the magic number
Q. Dude. What's up with the Sonic Syndicate shirt on the Faithful Darkness gig?
A: Umadbro? I thought their first three albums were great and my Eden Fire shirt was in the laundry. Besides my brother is in the band, I’m being supportive.

Being supportive
Q: And where do you people get these "inside" merch thingies that aren't sold anywhere else? Just wondering...
A: That particular shirt I had was a WRTN promo-shirt. NB prints promo-shirts for every album basically, or at least did for all our albums. It’s for listening parties and similar events.
Q: I saw Nathan wearing a hoodie in the Sonic Syndicate + Crusty Demons video as well, with the Post-LAOD/BTC logo on it. I haven't been able to find ONE picture of this on the internet. Which sucks, both because I'm curious about it in general, and because I've been looking for a clean black/white image of that logo for ages. It'd be really nice if you could shed some light on the subject.
A: I think that was a LOAD promo-hoddie, as well. Or maybe we sold it for a little while during LOAD release, I really don’t remember. Hoddies are usually bad for business, since they never do as well as ordinary t-shirts. They are also more expensive to print. Did you look in the NB web-shop? They print their own merchandise often, and a lot of times you won’t find that on tour.
Q: So if you could send me the music track for Green eyed demon it would be great I wanted to cover it if you can’t thanks anyways :)
A: There you go sir.
Q: Is Phoenix Down the same one you wrote when you were in Sonic?
A: Addressed this as of last blog.

Through the ashes