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It’s been a crazy week in the metal world. Let me sum it up! Arch Enemy swap singer (which convenient enough is/was The Agonist front woman, resulting in them getting a new vocalist too,) Metallica belt out a new song live, Avatar releases a new video, Nikki Sixx gets married for the sixx hundred time, Rob Halford claims the new Priest album is finished, Geoff Tate is still Geoff Tate, Sebastian Bach suggests his former band mates is allergic to cash(?), Evanescence singer is a free and independent artist (congrats,) Sabaton releases a new single AND most importantly The Unguided releases “Fragile Immortality” on Spotify!!! Check it out here.

Zardonic support!
We also rocking out the Tour De L’immortalité and is now currently reloading the unguided gun for the coming gigs in Gothenburg, Trollhättan, Stockholm (all ages reprise) and Linköping! We’ve also recently announced three shows in Finland. Which will be the first The Unguided shows in our neighbor country. We are of course really excited over this! You can join the Finnish FB event here.

I’ve compiled the Russian/Belarus tour we had in September last year into three tour clips. This is of course not any breaking news for the hardcore SixOneSixer, since they have been around some weeks. But for the rest, you can check them out here:
Moscow Mayhem
Minsked Meat
We had a good time at the shows last weekend (Stockholm, Sandviken and Karlstad,) it was nice to rehearse the new set and try some of the new songs. Thank you Linnea for helping out with the merch, and Elin for being such a hardcore fan and friend to the band! Here’s a collection of pictures from the last weekend.

Roland being super excited over the Laphroaig whisky

Meanwhile in the ladies room

Speaking of fans, there’s been some really creative fanship going on lately. Some great sketches again from Steffen Hemmert and also Kaung Hong have been busy doing some sketches for the band after seeing the latest video.

Roland Johansson by Steffen Hemmert

Henric Liljesand by Steffen Hemmert

Richard Sjunnesson by Kaung Hong

Roland Johansson by Kaung Hong

Roger Sjunnesson by Kaung Hong

Henric Liljesand by Kaung Hong

Richard Schill by Kaung Hong

He also did one of Ella since she's in the video.
Also check out the latest VFX showreel by 11 Frames Productions, featuring some clips from the “Inception” video:
VFX Showreel
I’ve been able to attend some cool shows myself lately. I got to see Iced Earth at Debaser Medis in Stockholm some week ago. In company with Ella and our new friends Victoria and Elizabeth Drew (all the way from Arizona.) I enjoyed the show of course. I’m a huge Iced Earth fan and have been since “Burnt Offerings”. I however missed some “Horror Show” songs and also I’m one of them that enjoy the Ripper albums and would like to hear some of that material live as well. It was also blasphemous to leave “Anthem” out! Other than that it was a great show indeed. To hear “The Hunter” my all-time favorite song live was awesome. I’ve seen Iced Earth in Quebec with Matthew, back in 2008 during our Nightwish tour and even if Matthew’s vocals are close to my heart, I think Stu made an excellent performance with the songs as well. It must be all the maple syrup that fortifies his vocal chords.

Support: Warbringer

Jon and Stu rocking it

Iced Earth

Anonymous :o

This pic got that certain "STOP BEING A PUSSY"-vibe to it, love it!
I’ve also had a bit of the eureka effect whilst attending the Behemoth / Cradle of Filth show at Tyrol in Stockholm some weeks ago. I’ve of course been very aware of Behemoth for a long time, but never really a fan, and can’t say I’ve spent too much time traveling around in their discography either. However, this latest one; “The Satanist” struck me hard and I just had to get me a piece of their live show to see what the fuzz was all about. And I think somewhere around “Ora pro nobis Lucifer” (which was the second song) I was reborn as a full-fledged fan, and that particular gig might just have been one of the best shows I’ve seen in my entire life. Fresh in mind, Nergal’s recent battle with leukemia where he ended up victorious made the experience even stronger. As I had an uncle battling the very same disease; which in the end, didn’t have the same turn out I’m afraid. When Adam chanted; “It feels so fucking good to be alive!” It sent shivers up and down my spine. No one obviously knows that better than him. After their gig, even if I’ve been a huge Cradle of Filth fan for the longest time, and Dani have been a huge influence to myself, especially during the Midian era. It just wasn’t going to happen. It wasn’t fair to go on stage after that very behemoth that blatantly captured every single soul in that venue and left the human vessels breathless. I stayed to see a few songs of Cradle, to honor the titan that they used to be, and then retreated as I was working the day after as well. Such a mind-blowing evening!

My partners in crime this evening

Support: In Solitude


Such an awesome stage show

Watch out! Skank behind you Dani!

Dani Filth
As for the life thing, I’ve been spending a lot of time in my parallel world I guess, with both Diablo III and World of Warcraft. Enjoying it greatly with a couple of new and old friends and can’t wait for “Reaper of Souls” next week. It feels nice that some of the album stress is dampening off, even if there’s great things to come! I’m of course spending a thought or two on the next album and the last part of the trilogy and I’m generally feeling really creative and inspired.

An Amazon woman, two Arizonian woman and Superman grabbed a coffee

Blue cheese and red wine diet

Tried a new beer; Double bastard, suits me fine

Hotel in Nynäshamn
Song of the day: Arch enemy – war eternal