I never wanted guidance
Kategori: Allmänt
Where were we? Shaving off beard, delayed album, Irish pubs, oh yes! The upcoming album is still in the making, and as you could read on our official Facebook the other day, it looks something like this:

The Unguided 2013 Photo by: Magnus Petersohn
- Drums (DONE!)
- Rhythm Guitars (DONE!)
- Lead Guitars (DONE!)
- Vocals (95% DONE.)
- Keyboards (95% DONE.)
- Bass Guitars (90% DONE.)
- Studio Fredman Mix/Master (50% DONE.)
So we are getting there, but there’s still some work to be done. We have received a couple of test mixes and it sounds amazing! I’d say it got a bit more edge to it than the Hell Frost album. We’ll see what you think! But it’s definitely a heavier mix. Also, it’s by far been the most trying recording yet, for all of us. We’ve really poured our hearts into this one and can’t wait to get it out to you! As we are getting closer to the completion, we hope we can reveal more information regarding the album.

Technical Engineering

Sällström got a sip of Roland's special whisky

Nailing lead guitars
The ongoing Command & Conquer Tour with Smash Into Pieces and dEMOTIONAL is moving slowly towards its conclusion in Söderhamn (18/5). All the gigs have been extraordinary cool and all the dudes on this weekend tour are great. It’s a nice and dynamic band package and we are really happy in terms of how it turned out. The people coming out to the shows seams really satisfied about the shows as well and that gladdens us a lot! We had a hurdle on the Halmstad gig however, with Roland suffering from winter vomiting disease and couldn’t make it to the show. I went solo the crowd’s ass, save from “Phoenix Down” and “Eye Of The Thylacine” where Adam from Smash Into Pieces jumped in and helped us out. All respect and honor to him for being such an awesome person! In terms of the given circumstances the show actually went pretty well! Better than expected. We had no intensions of canceling the show, since we know the fans are traveling long and far to see us, so we made the best out of the situation. It obviously resulted in a bit confusing gig, yet a unique and overall good evening!

C&C Tour shirt!

Benji and I setting up the merch at Klubben

Hamberg junior and Benji flexing!

Ted was around to film everything for Monster Energy

LOADS of beer on the after-show party at Pub Anchor

Rille getting ready at Sticky Fingers

Our merch girls; Dima and Kyle!

Moments before the Sticky Fingers show

Jedi-meditation before gig

Sticky Fingers show

Henric at Kajskjulet (Halmstad) soundcheck

Roger increasing his amp-level to 11!

Nisse from dEMOTIONAL doing twin-horns

Our hero, Sällström making that phat sound!

kristOTIONAL caught with his pants down

Per & Adam from SIP hanging out at Kajskjulet

Henric being Henric

Benjamin from SIP got a new haircut

Henric doing his Klaus Meine imitation

Roland's substitute during the Halmstad show

Rog and Hank monster energized for the show!
The Chalmers gig last Friday was really wicked as well! Frankly I thought it would be a bunch of people not interested in metal at all attending to this show, but they proved me wrong ten times over. The Chalmer dudes and dudettes are defiantly metal all the way to the marrow and this show was wild! Once again our friend Christoffer “Stoffe” Andersson (Dead By April) joined us on stage during “Green Eyed Demon” to belt out some screams together. Really memorable show! Find pictures of the show here.

Gothenburg show at Chalmers

Getting shit done!


Very appropriate! Beer-tap backstage

Marcus (DBA) being social with his dumbphone

Hank and Stoffe (DBA) tuning the bass, hard work

I and Stoffe killing it. Photo by: Andrine Johansson
Green Eyed Demon Feat. Christoffer "Stoffe" Andersson (DBA)
As for my life there’s been a lot of stuff going on as well! We successfully killed a plant, since we watered it with Monster Energy instead of, well… water? We’ve also been a bit kvltural lately and visited the theatre instead of the cinemas. One play we saw was called “Demoner”. Not a green eyed one however. I enjoyed it quite a lot! My brother has also turned old as the trees, so we celebrated him last month. As well as visiting our friends in family Hamberg outside Nynäshamn to check out their newborn Cane Corso puppies. I’ve been on a fishing event as well with my friend and colleague Magnus. We’ve been trolling down by the south of Sweden at the coast of Simrishamn. We got 13 salmons in total (and lost 4,) some of them weighing in over and around 10 kg!!! Now we have enough fillets to eat salmon for half a year basically. Yesterday we spent time in old town of Stockholm to eat ice cream and enjoy the weekend Good times after an stressful album recording session!


I wake up to this every morning. Promise! Poor me...

Theatre time

Finally!!! High fives Kerrigan

Roger's birthday

Sis and her BF

30!!! Almost as old as Yoda.

Roger during his early jedi training

The old fart himself


Cane corso puppy

An entire hive of puppies

Starving dog?!

Pantera Magnus

Extra firm grip

Trolling time!

The Salmon God was smiling upon us this day

The unguided captain...

Got the leviathan! Photo by: Magnus Petersohn

We also visited Ale's stones

Norse ritual time

Ella made dinner out from her fisherman's catch

Ice cream time!
Song of the day: Avantasia – Black Orchid