Hate injection, I've breathed the dust of your lies
Kategori: Allmänt
Greetings infidels!
The furnaces at THE UNGUIDED headquarters are spewing out thick, productive black smoke as we speak! Pre-production of the two songs, GREEN EYED DEMON and PATHFINDER, for the upcoming EP NIGHTMARELAND are getting closer to the final stages. The songs are in a fully listenable format and I’m even carrying them around in my iPhone 4. (Don’t get any ideas of stealing that one. I have a Taser application that would zap you to yesterday. I took out a male T-Rex with the discharge the other day, so be very afraid!). As of now, we are just doing vocal and arrangement tweaks, replacing my reference clean vocals with Roland’s vocals. Then we are adding sprinklers to the production, getting ourselves ready for the studio, which we will enter on the 10th of February. It’s not determined just yet when in February the release will be unleashed upon the world, but I’m sure there will be digital previews up right after the studio.
As promised, here’s the picture of a very euphoric Alexander, who is the number ONE winner of the tattoo competition with his stunning take on THE UNGUIDED crest. As you can see for yourself, he’s overjoyed with his awarded threads used in Jack of Diamonds, autographs from us in the band, the rare Fallen Angels demo, Extinction, and the exclusive, super-rare, old Eden Fire shirt. As the picture reveals, he’s certainly carrying THE UNGUIDED symbol with pride. What he did is a huge honor for us.
Alex, general of the unguided army
Award number TWO goes to the humble castle owner, Robin Piosek, from the west coast of Sweden. He made sure to lay his knightly hands on the tattoo! He inked out the crest on his left lower leg calf. Also, decorating his right leg, is the Sonic Syndicate symbol (I prefer his left leg personally). Robin decided to use the special offer over at nZANE clothing & tattoos in Gothenburg. They are providing customers with an generous discount if they tattoo THE UNGUIDED crest. Robin also received a Crusty Demons shirt during the investment. Since Gothenburg is like a stone’s throw away from Falkenberg, Roger and I, in addition to our entourage, decided to visit the whole event. Also, to give Robin his award personally, which was the autographed Denied shirts among other exclusive awards. We made sure to video document the day and get ourselves some new threads from Mr.nZANE. There’s a Swedish blog entry about it here (if you are foreign, you can enjoy the pictures taken during the day!) nZANE clothing & tattoos have also launched a web shop. You can find it here. As far as the video footage goes, I will try to chop that up and throw it on the tube soon!
Robin, Lieutenant of the unguided army
Award number THREE in the tattoo competition is still intact, so there’s still time for whoever is going in body decorating thoughts, and wants to get the POWER SHIFT/ENCLAVE shirts along with other cool stuff. Other competitions won’t take place until this one has been finished. Send your tattoo contribution to [email protected] (FAKE TATTOOED INDIVIDUALS WILL BE SHOT AT SIGHT!)
Over at the official fan site, ARMY OF THE UNGUIDED, (www.armyoftheunguided.com) my little servant, Emil, has established a donation page. This is something that has been requested from a lot of you people, and your donation is of course very much voluntary but still greatly appreciated. Your donations will go straight into the project and hasten up a lot of the processes that are in the works at the moment. Frankly, any investments will be to your own advantage in the end, so too speak. As you understand, I can only spend so much of my private money into this while still being able to maintain a functional life. Also, be sure to check out the forums while you’re there spending big!
Recently I received this very cryptic mail from my old friend, the graphic artist of the Eden Fire album and Extinction demo, who has vanished from the face of the earth for over six years:
Hi Richard,
Really? Did I never explain you the meaning of the Solar Symbols?
Your old friend,
I literary dropped my jaw to the ground when I received this. José has been greatly missed in my life, and I can’t describe how happy I am to have him back! We have been exchanging a lot of emails recently. I’m very happy to announce that we are once again in league of plotting plans. We will have an objective to work towards common goals for THE UNGUIDED. He is eagerly helping me out with all kinds of stuff that I need to see too. Here’s a mail to follow up the solar symbol conversation:
Hi Richard,
How are you doing? I’m very happy to return to speak with you, my friend. I never forgot you and Sonic Syndicate, into the shadows I visited your webpage often to know about you...
Sadly I don’t keep any artwork I have made at that time. All, the artworks I made for you and others that I made for another people got lost. All this time I didn’t make anything into art either until last autumn when I began to make little pieces that still are into process to finish, for myself and with the purpose to check my skills actually (when I will have something decently to show I will send you if you want).
And about the Solar Symbols... Only one of them I created to have a sense: the Main Symbol in Eden Fire with the flame inside. Perhaps I never explained you its meaning,... perhaps you never saw how it was something only for you. Well, the flame inside is your heart Richard: I knew by your comments in your webpage that you were passing a bad love moment then. I thought in the flame like a symbol of your pain inside you. And the sun around it’s yourself, brilliant, brutal energy... So really, the Main Solar Symbol wasn’t a logo neither for the band nor for the "Eden Fire" work, but it was you I was thinking of. It’s a nice story, isn’t it?
Regards my friend.
So what José is stating is that the symbol used by Sonic Syndicate is a symbol for none other than ME! This certainly makes me wonder if they will keep using that in the future, hehe. Hope that all the Sonic fans that ever have tattooed the symbol are satisfied with the fact you are carrying around an emblem of Richard Sjunnesson for life! Didn’t see that coming did you? Hehe. At least I’m relieved to finally know the meaning of the mysterious solar symbol. And I’m even more relieved and happy about the fact José is back into action, and above all healthy! Welcome back bro, you’ve been greatly missed! I’m going to setup an interview with José since I know a lot of people are interested in his art. If you have any questions to him please e-mail: r[email protected] and subject the e-mail JAAranguren.
I will perform my first live gig since Sonic Syndicate in Helsingborg at Rockbåten (25/2). It won’t be with The Unguided, however. Instead, it will be with the brutal death metal band, Faithful Darkness (website/myspace). Their singer did his last gig today with the band at Arena 305 in Malmö, and is now leaving for personal reasons (which will be more specified on their website at a future time). I’ve been blasting their songs nonstop for a while now, and I absolutely love it! I first bumped into Faithful Darkness during a Sonic gig in Helsingborg, where they supported us. I involved myself in some joking around with the guys, and we had a good time. Also, their gig was wicked of course! Some weeks ago I got a mail from them asking if I could stand in for their current singer. With the huge amount of available time I have (!!!) I agreed to this instantly. My voice is very different from Erik’s, but I’ll be sure to give the songs justice with my own personal take. I hope the fans will be satisfied. I literary can’t wait to stand on stage again, and rock out with likeminded death metal soldiers! They have a guy called Jimmy “Judas” in there ranks, so from here forth I call myself Richard “Jesus” Sjunnesson. This calls for biblical and theatrical drama on stage! Here’s a link to a song called Bound to Illusions which is one of my favorites by them.

Unfaithful darkness, could very well be a girlfriend near you!
The up and coming band, HOLLOWCALL, from Stockholm, Sweden has now released their EP Snowstorm, which I recently provided guest vocals for. Their MySpace can be found at this link. Here’s also a direct YouTube stream to the title song, Snowstorm, which I’m featured in. If you an interested in downloading the tune this link is your friend. Good luck with the EP guys. It sounds wicked! I enjoyed helping you out.
While we are talking about bands, my friend from overseas, Joana, got me into one called Cypher Seer (http://www.cypherseer.com/) the other day. This band is not Swedish, however. They hail from New Jersey in the US. Joana is also managing them. Keep up the good work I’d say! I always like checking out upcoming bands, and this particular constellation made a big impression indeed. Thank you, Joana! The song Bloodline is awesome! Check it out at their MySpace.
Didn’t do a lot of new purchases this time around. However, I got myself new leather gloves for live purposes, seeing I will hit the stage again next month. My old ones got heavily torn during my last couple of Sonic shows. Decided to try some new after gym/cardio protein as well, and I bought myself soyprotein from Naturell (13g protein, 2g carbohydrate per 20g.). I used to have Bulk from Naturell (8g protein, 7g carbohydrates per 20g) but wanted to see what happens with some extra protein since I already eat more carbs than protein in my daily living. I also got myself a new Sullen shirt at nZANE.

New merchendise
1. Leather gloves: Bought at Shock in Stockholm.
2. Soyprotein from Naturell: After gym/cardio necessaritie.
3. T-Shirt: Sullen DEATH ANGEL shirt bought at nZANE clothing & tattoos
I’m happy to announce that I will journey to the other side of the WORLD in March, Christofer Columbus style! I’m going to have a couple of days of vacation in NEW YORK with my uncle, Robert Sjunnesson (The fearsome shredder of the Soulstone splinter solo!). I’m really, really looking forward to this. I haven’t been to the stateside since 2008 during Nightwish tour. To be fair, I’ve missed McDonalds ever since(???). We will live at Chelsea hotel in Manhattan. Famous guests’ history in that hotel includes but is not limited to: Jimmi Henrix, Bob Dylan, Sid Vicious. And in March, Rich and Rob. Now that will be beyond sweet! Speaking about the subject... starfucked I mean, I recently got a mail stating that Angela Gossow is reading my blog. If that is accurate, and you are in fact reading this I just want write some words of tribulation about how much Wages of Sin defined my life and song writing. Hats off, you’re extremely talented and striking! If I could sound half as manly as you performing vocals, I would be in a good position, hehe. Anyways, if any American fan wants to swing by Manhattan in March, give me a beer, and tell me how awesome I am—I’m all ears, of course.

Chelsea hotel
I attended a company party last week. I don’t remember much but looking at the pictures it seems like I had a good time! What do you think?

Company party, dangerous stuff
By an act of a clumsy miss-click, I emptied my spam inbox the other day, and I think there were several valid mails in there from you guys. So if you sent me e-mails during the days 18-19/1 and didn’t yet get any response, please resend your e-mail.
FAQing time! Some of you have asked on Twitter and Facebook where you can send your questions for the FAQs. The answer is r[email protected].
Q: I’m curious if you will do “making of” videos in the studio as before with LOAD and WRTN?
A: Of corpse we will! Seeing that I was the one doing most of the filming and editing everything myself on them, I see no reason why we wouldn’t. For the single to be released in February we will do an episode on the official YouTube channel but for the album there will most likely be a DVD.
Q: A while back when recording the album, Nathan put up a twitter post saying how there had been some 'brutal gang vocals' recorded. My question, where can I find them? Were they filtered out during the remix of the album, or what?
A: HEY BACK OFF! I was one of the gang members in these gang vocals and I consider them very brutal as a matter of fact, hehe. To be fair, they are pretty low in the mix as far as I recall but you can find them in the songs, “We Rule the Night,” “Dead and Gone,” and “Turn it up.” On the official WRTN DVD you can watch us record them as well.

Gang of vocals
Q: Considering the title of your last blog post is 'there is a hell, believe me, I've seen it', will your next one be 'there is a heaven, let's keep it secret’???
A: You spoiled the surprise! Now I have to think of something else, back to the sketching table.
Q: I was wandering if you have heard or listen to these bands. These are my favorites: Trivium, Bullet for My Valentine, All That Remains, Threat Signal, Slipknot and Scar Symmetry. If you have heard of them, do you like them? If yes/no how come?
A: I suppose I have both listened and liked all these bands during different periods of my life. My favorites from the bunch at the time being are All That Remains and Scar Symmetry. I like ATR because Philip Labonte is an ace singer, and it’s a rocking band in general. My favorite albums are This Darkened Heart and The Fall of Ideals. And the song This Calling was the soundtrack of a wicked summer I had a couple of years ago. Just saw them in Gothenburg actually, and got the opportunity to involve myself in some chitchat in their midst. Scar Symmetry blows my mind as well, and are brutally talented musicians! Pitch Black Progress and Holographic Universe were solid as fuck. The song Morphogenesis touches me in a sexy way, always!

Me and Jeanne from ATR
Q: How did you become an electrician and what motivates you to go to work?
A: I studied the Electrical Engineering Programme for three years in high school with electronic direction. After that, I instantly got job as a shift going electrician at a company here in Falkenberg. Then I had a brief absence from that due to some kind of metal band that involved a lot of touring but now I’m back at the same company, hehe. What motivates me to go to work is that I get to exercise what I’m good at really. I always was a huge tech freak, and always loved to disassemble things to see how they worked since as far as I remember—mostly to my caring parent’s incomprehensible frustration. Now I can earn a living while doing just that! Great colleagues also surround me and that certainly makes it more stimulating to go to work.

Smited by the allmighty eletrician
Q: Are you a Soul Reaver and Legacy of Kain fan?
A: Correct.
Q: Don't know if you have seen it, but on the official Sonic Syndicate site, your part of the header has been removed! I think they'll keep Christoffer for as long as they tour WRtN, but I think their next album will go all Nathan on them with almost only clean vocals... What do you think?
A: Thank fuck! Seriously, what took them so long? While they are at it can, they not sort their twitter and MySpace out as well? Geeeez… As for vocal setup, I have no idea to be fair. Probably use Christoffer as long as it’s necessary, and then dispose of him once it calls for a new album recording, I really don’t know. My speculations are pretty hollow as of now, however. I don’t have any significant insight at all if that’s what you want to believe, and I don’t really take interest in the development. To be fair, I doubt they even know who they are, or what direction they want to pursue anymore. Headless chicken syndrome is the feeling I get. But I’d love to hear an album with Christoffer, though, so I’ll keep hoping for that. I usually get what I want, so I’m determined that that is exactly what’s going to happen. Maybe even Roger can write the whole album as well. That, in addition with a higher percentage of Christoffer’s vocals, instead of that other dude would most definitely call for a really interesting recording! No, I’m being mean; I’m tired and hungry—a combination that brings out the worst of me, my apologies.

Sort it out!
Q: Hey, I think it would be great for generating interest in the fansite if you and the guys were on the forum. It would really excite people to be able to interact with you?
A: Bad idea! I’m a horrible forum person and cynical to the bone, you wouldn’t last one minute. I make people cry, and on top of that I’m rude! And, WolfieboyMachi, I HAVE been looking over the discussions, and NO I don’t hate you even though you broke my heart, you Norwegian backstabbing son of a bitch! ;) Just kidding… Point proven though, NEXT!
Q: How was Nathan as a person? Did you like him?
A: He’s a lovely and very caring person… I do like sides of him, yes. Other sides, I don’t like as much. Even if Nathan rhymes with Satan, I don’t particularly think he’s an evil incarnate, as a few of you have come to think. We had our moments, lots of them, to be fair. We have been sending love e-mails to each other recently. He didn’t respond to my last one though, so if you read this (which I know you do) GET ON IT!
Q: My boyfriend and I are HUGE fans of yours!! We follow your blog, and just want to know, when do we hear anything from un-guided.. concerts, singles and so on?? This project are very interesting. What kind of music are you planning to record?? Will it be a lot og death metal or still melodic like Sonic S (last album)??
A: What’s an un-guided?…

Can you look up the word "un-guided" for me?
Q: I was just about to say that the hellions on the cover art for Nightmareland look an awful lot like Raziel from the Legacy Of Kain series - but I was obviously beat to the punch on that one haha. Though the title for the cd gets me... The Unguided - Nightmareland < Sonic Syndicate - Rebellion In Nightmareland. Knowing you from what I've gathered from the blogs, I doubt that is just mere coincidence?
A: Your questions will be answered in the lyrics of Pathfinder. Nothing is ever coincidence, EVER!
Q: When can we see a new episode of The Unguided TV?
A: When people stop asking hundreds of meaningless questions (which I most likely already answered anyway) about un-guided ;) Nah I think the studio episode will be next one! It’s all about writing, tweaking, and pre-prod songs now.
Q: I recently found this video. I must admit its fun to see how much you guys have developed in music. What made you do that kind of video? How do you feel about your performance as young?
A: We did it with the same ideology as the “Turn it up” video of course; Sex sells hello!? My performance as young Richard is hideous; I just want to shove a bowl of “shut the fuck up” down young Richards’s throat.

Q: Hi! This is Hampus! I have a little question to you. First off I’ve read and wondering about your statement: A new musical project featuring Roger, myself and an “OLD FRIEND” who most of you are pretty familiar with… Can this be Roland? Another question! When is Roger leaving Sonic Syndicate? And last! My friends tell me I’m a good growler, but do you have any tips for me to improve even more?
A: O_o *facepalm*
Q: Since you’re doing a studio recording, are you releasing it to iTunes in the U.S.?
A: I would expect that, yes.
Q: What’s right, ”Red Eyed Friend” or ”Red Eyed Fiend”?
A: Red Eyed Friend, Blue Eyed Fiend and Green Eyed Demon ;)

Red Eyed Friend?
Q: Two months ago I sent you an e-mail about wanting an autograph from you; you’ve asked of my address and still nothing?
A: Use the request function at www.armyoftheunguided.com to make sure you are registered in the database, and you will all get your autographs eventually.
Q: Is February 9th the official release date of Nightmareland. If not when is it?
A: We expect to enter the studio at 10th of February, so that would be quite a paradox in a “Back to the future” kind of way. No release date is set at this time.
Q: I’ve just read your new blog and found out that you’ve recorded a true version of Miles apart a.k.a. Lake of Fire. Noooow, even though your offer of having a coffee in your apartment sounds very tempting, I think that a coffee with my hero (:P kidding, don’t grow your ego too much… ;)) would be in no proportion with buying a flight ticket from Switzerland to Sweden and stuff… :-/ Do you think it is not-so-much-illegal if you’d send me the mp3 via email? I’d really like to get a feel of how WRTN could have been…
A: The price of bribing me into mailing you that particular recording would probably buy you are flight ticket from Switzerland to Indonesia (there and back), hehe. Sorry, but it’s not going too happen! Also, just to make something clear; my ego reached its outer limits a long time ago. As a matter of fact I’m having difficulties fitting it in this very room. A coffee with your superhero in Falkenberg is still your best shot. Don’t bring kryptonite!

Leave this at home, bring cream!
Q: What’s your opinion on Blowsight? I saw them live at the Sonic Syndicate gig an they were awesome!
A: I liked the album Destination Terrorville a lot; I had a significant amount of gym time to that sucker actually. I have not heard the latest effort more than once, though. Sounded like they had a bit of a genre change, but I still liked what I heard. However, I need to give it more spins to give an objective opinion. They are good guys and cool live. We were good friends, and one of the guitarist tech worked two US tours for us. The singer/guitarist wrote the majority of Unknown Entity and also a couple of keyboards on LAOD. So, the history with Blowsight and Sonic Syndicate goes way back. I’m not sure where we stand now days since there has been some friction, but from my side I’m holding no grudge with either of them.
Q: I was wondering if your two songs Enclave and Fallout have anything to do with the video game Fallout 3. You have probably been asked this before but I just wasn’t sure just wondering!
A: The lyrical content does not revolve around the game, no. And the songs Enclave and Fallout do not have any connection with Fallout 3 what so ever. I haven’t even played the game but I do own a copy of it, shame on me! I had a major crush on the original Fallout games back from 1997 and 1998, though; I’ll give you that! Always thought the story was really captivating and clever. The games are cult to me and it’s possible that the titles flirted a bit with that fact. The same goes for Flashback actually, which was a Delphine Software game from 1992, which I adored.

Fallout Enclave Soldier
Q: I was reading some earlier posts about your favorite bands/musical genres and so on... And also, your "friendly" comments about the present SS situation and now this question passed through my head, I don't know if someone asked before, but... Do you listen to any pop artist? HAHA
A: You mean like Lady Gag ball and such? To be fair I’ve had my fair share of pop in my life, and I’m not against it in anyway. As a matter of fact I’m very open minded when it comes to music, and I think it more comes down to a good song than a good genre. Any genre can generate a good song even if the genre is considered garbage. But as far as the pop format goes, I just don’t think it’s as intellectual and giving to listen to as I think metal music is. And, it is certainly nothing I want to be involved in creatively. It’s so in line with our stupid throwaway society. Songs that is only developed to claw itself into your brain and fall away as fast as they came. In contrast, a good metal song can be listened to many times before you even comprehend the depth, meaning, and brilliance of it. And once you do that, it will stick for life. The Cardigans, The Killers, and Kent are bands I consider pop that I’ve listened to, and still listen to occasionally, to answer your question.

Q: Blind Guardian is your favorite band, was it the first one that you got really into or are there some bands that you used to love before them?
A: Before Guardian I was down with Iron Maiden, Manowar, and Halloween a lot.
Q: What bands do you recommend to see live before 2012? Lol
A: The Unguided obviously!
Q: Despite the heavy and the power metal bands, do you like softer bands (like The Cure, or HIM, and so on)? Can you tell some?
A: I’ve listened to HIM a lot during my days. I enjoy Entwine, Beseech, Dredg, Poets of Fall, Fair to Midland, Shinedown, Muse, The Fray, and Audioslave as well, to name a few.
Q: Do you think you Nightmareland will press it onto a cd or just itunes?
A: Both
Q: I'll visit the SummerBreeze festival. So I just realized that Sonic will also be there. I saw you already live at the RockHarz in 2010, where you also played Jailbreak (: So my question, do you think, they will play some Eden Fire at the SummerBreeze?
A: Highly doubt it. I think it’s more likely that pigs will start to fly, and hell will freeze before that would happen now that I’m out of the band, unfortunately. Say hi from me, though!

Just delightful summer breezes no scorching eden fires
Q: When you left Sonic, did you already have your mind set on a new project?
A: Actually, I had plans for a project already around 2008. Roger and I even talked about it on many occasions. But the policy against side projects in the band made that impossible.
Q: I'd like to apologize for disclosing info that you've told me. I hope you can find it in your hearts to trust me somewhat again.
A: Already apologized! I simply don’t trust people at all, so if I happen to tell you
something with the instructions of treating it with caution, I’m never really too naive to think that that is what actually will happen. So I guess the trick is to stay one step ahead, and simply not tell people what you don’t want to be revealed. Good way to test people’s loyalty, by the way.

Circle of Trust
Q: I'm kind of tired of my long metal hair, so I'm going to cut it a bit. But the problem is, I'm not really sure how.. Thing is, I really fancy the haircut you had in the video for Revolution baby (your hair was btw probably the most awesome shit in the whole video). So I wonder, could you give me some pictures or links to pictures where I can take a good look at how your hair was back then? Cuz I didn't really find any good pictures when I googled for it...
A: Here are some pictures:

Pics taken between winter 09 - summer 10
Tutorial of Revolution, Baby! Rich hair:
#1 Wash your hair with L'Oréal Vitamino Color Shampoo and L'oreal Vitamino Color Conditioner.
#2 Dry the hair with a towel.
#3 Apply plenty of heat protection, I prefer Lee Stafford Poker Straight Flat Iron Protection Shine Mist.
#4 Dry the hair with a blow dryer (cold air if you want to damage your hair less).
#5 Use a hair flattener (I use Ga.Ma Italy Ceramic) to iron out any natural waves, and make the hair more even. Spray with heat protection before every stroke.
#6 Use Schwarzkopf OSIS+ Dust It. Apply with swirling strokes to work up volume.
#7 Stabilize with hairspray when you reached a satisfying result. I prefer PROFFS Super Strong HAIRSPRAY.
#8 ROCK OUT!!!
Q: How did you and Roland become friends?
A: Well… he joined the same band as me, and we got along well.
Q: Hey dude I was wondering if any of the Sonic albums had themes behind them in terms of lyrics and song names. For example trivium – shogun album had mythology (greek) as its main theme.
A: The most extensive and tied together lyrical theme I ever done is the “Extinction – A Sinwar Quadrilogy” chapter of Eden Fire. The four songs, Zion Must Fall, Misanthropic coil, Lament of Innocence, and Prelude to Extinction is a fictional take on the Book of Revelation in the Bible. It deals full on with the sin war concept (Heaven Vs Hell) and was based around a short story I wrote during the time after “Black Lotus” demo 2003. Besides that, there’s not really anything fictional themed except for the fact some things are handling the same situations or people. Or, well, my life in general, I suppose, is a standing theme. Most of the Only Inhuman lyrics are a follow up on the songs from the Eden Fire chapter “Helix Reign – Chronicles of a broken covenant” (Jailbreak, Enhance my Nightmare and History repeat itself) for example.
Q: Will The Unguided use themes… i.e for the new album?
A: Seeing I have totally free hands now to do what I want, that might very well happen.
Q: Will 'The Unguided' be coming over to the UK to play for the fans you'll no doubt have over here? I know you've said you'll be playing at festivals and random gigs, but it would be great to see you guys over here.
A: Give us Donington, and we’ll be there in a jiffy!

Can I come too?
Q. I was wondering, I think we can help each other out! I'm currently with my band gigging and recording. But we're trying like hell but there isn’t getting any motion of movement with it. Maybe that we can like support you on a small tour and make a big word out for you here in the Netherlands. But that we are already doing to check you out! To all our fans :) Well I hope you take this a bit seriously because I am.
A: It’s kind of hard to take this serious when you haven’t really even been reading up on what kind of band THE UNGUIDED is. Our current mentality is that we won’t do any tours, namely. And if you had been following this blog, you would know that. With that simple fact, it will be kind of hard to help each other out in the suggested way. If you do want to help out, however, try to solve why there are just 24 hours in a day, and if there’s a possible way to extend it. That would be super! I’m in dire need of the extra time. To simply avoid answering unnecessary questions would probably shave a lot of loading out of my life.
Q: today I went to Sonic official Website and they remove you from the band promo pic! :( , I mean even though you are not longer part of the band, you were part of We Rule The Night album era, which I think you don’t like anyways, how does that feel? Why don’t they make an official announcement about you quitting the band?
A: The fact I was a part of the We Rule the Night era disgusted me, and any removal of evidence of that is an act of good intensions in my book. There’s not even any need of an official announcement because the situation is ridiculous, and I don’t see a reason why it should be handled in a “normal” way. Any message from them would just result in a counter comment from me and on we go. Ignorance is strength. Let’s keep it this way.

All evidence must be destroyed!
Q: How well thought through was it to sing: ”Mitt bajs känns okej” (My poo feels allright) in the chorus of Aftermath? Where Roland a bit funny when you did the song? I´ve been woundering alot!
A: Yeah it was very intentional and clever… If you, on a serious note, don’t have anything better to think about in your existence, your life must be highly adventurous and fun. Be patient someday…
Q: The Unguided will be awesome! When you did the first episode of The Unguided TV what games did you and Roland play?
A: It was staged! No game was even on. Ace actors both of us indeed! In the original SonicTV clip, which that particular clip was honored to, we were playing Ghost Recon, however.

Q: Who will be the other members? Are you looking for drummer and bassist? Becouse Roger and Roland will be on guitar.
A: The cast from the movie, ”The Expendables,” will supplement the line-up if needed.
Q: I read the Q&A on your blog and I had a question of my own, I know a while back when Roland first left Sonic Syndicate, I read an interview on I think metalunderground.com where Roland mentioned working on a possible side project with Jesper Stromblad from In Flames. So I was wondering if there is any possibility of The Unguided doing any work with Jesper now that You, Roland and Rodger are together.
A: Apparently you haven’t examined the Q&As that extensively if you missed that little detail, dig deeper!
Q: Random question, do you know if the Web Team will be addressed to do any more tasks soon? I'm eager to help you guys out in any way that I can.
A: Once the songs are recorded there will be plenty of work for the web team! Fear not, I will keep you extra-dedicated guys busy, indeed. You are like the Foot Clan soldiers and I’m Shredder!

Shredder recruiting
Q: I was wondering if you'd ever consider buying back the rights to Rebellion in nightmareland and re-recording it with roland? I think that would instantly become my favorite song and I know a lot of others have been wondering what if? I think if you paired it with Pathfinder (since it is a follow-up) it would be epic.
A: Nope, what's done is done. No one can stop you from burning it on a CD with Pathfinder once it’s out, though. Or playback both the songs on iTunes back to back! That would be sneaky.
Q: Will the unguided also play songs from love and other disasters and only inhuman live or will you only play songs that were made by the unguided??
A: That is not determined at this point.
Q. I recently came across a Swedish metal band that (as far as I can tell) is not too well known yet, but seems to have a great deal of potential in my opinion. A number of their songs somewhat reminded me of Sonic Syndicate (pre WRTN of course!). I figured that you might enjoy them if you hadn’t already heard of them. The bands name is “My Dear Addiction,” and their album is titled “New Blood.” I had a bit of trouble finding too much about them on the internet, as their MySpace didn’t have any of their latest or better songs, but here is a YouTube sample if you ever get the chance: A: That’s cool that you mentioned it! My Dear Addiction were actually one of the support acts when I was up in Gothenburg hanging out with Raubtier. I’m a friend with the singer Kim, who is a good guy, and a very talented vocalist. He sent me a shirt and their album a few weeks after that event, and the effort have been stuck in my car ever since. Really enjoy it, and I see only good coming their way in the future! I liked his previous work as well.

My dear Kim!
Q: How long could this autograph request take?
A: Once we collected enough in the database we will take care of them all and send them your way!
Q: Will The Unguided be interested in guest vocals by Christian Alvestam? And do The Unguided plan to have any guests?
A: I talked about this in the last FAQ. And yes, we will be open for guest appearances on the album. My main objective, however, will be to get Hansi Kürsch (Blind Guardian) to participate in a guest appearance. Once that is established I can die happily without any regrets in my life at all, hehe. Christian is a stunning vocalist, and I’d love to see a song featuring him as well. And I’m certain neither Roland nor Roger would mind.

Main objective!
Q: Would you ever take a poem and turn it into a song. I know you said you'd do a guest recording. If I sent you a poem would you be willing to turn it into a song? That would be awesome!
A: Sorry, that is just too time consuming. A guest vocal recording is like a 30-minute job in my home studio if I have been provided with an instrumental track, lyrics, and a reference voice. While sitting down and structuring up vocal arrangements and wording out from a poem is a lot of effort and time, which I simply don’t have.
Q: Hey what's your secret to screaming so awesome? I would love to be able to do that.
A: Yeah me too…
Q: Well first off I totally agree with why you left SS. but I wanted to see if I understood right. Only you left the band not Roger? Or did you both leave? And does the unguided have a bassist and drummer?
A: There’s no fooling you! Roger is still in Sonicland (Nightmareland!?) while I’m far away from that. Bassist as of now is Sylvester Stallone while Jet Li is featured on the drums.
Q: So I listen to Sonic pretty much every day now. The first day I listened to Sonic I loved the music, as I used to listen to Iron Maiden and Metallica, (you know that type of old school Metal) Then finally a friend of mine showed me what is now by far my favorite song. Jailbreak which has amazing lyrics, don't know if I interpret them right, but this is how I seem them as...The two rivers in the chorus being two hearts which can never be away from each other again? And this is when I thought to myself.. Why no video for such a great song? Anyway that aside I'm glad I got showed Sonic and will now follow you wherever you go to next. :)
A: That’s accurate interpretation of the Jailbreak lyrics. It’s handling the fact that once you get involved with someone, let’s say in an emotional relationship, you simply cannot disconnect by flicking a switch. Same deal with two rivers running into each other, there’s nothing that can separate them, and make them distinct ever again. I think the only reason why we never did a video for that song was because there was no economic coverage to do so. But it was the single of Eden Fire, and if there would be a video from that album it would have certainly been for that very song.

"And when two rivers run togheter..."
Q: Do you like any animes/mangas? If yes which are they?
A: I like it but I’m not spending too much time on it. I guess most contact I have with it is games and such. I love Ghost in the Shell and Hellsing, to name two, though. I was a fan of Silverfang when I was little. Also, games like Final Fantasy and Secret of Mana kept me really busy.
Q: Can you tell me why do Swedish people have –sson at the end of their names?
A: -Sson is translated like Son of basically. Like Sjunnesson is Son of Sjunne. Or, son of a bitch, which is translated to Slynsson.
Q: just wondering, what is the meaning behind one of the most epic tracks ever, Break of Day?. Also, if or when the unguided play live, any chance that you will do a cover? Id love to see you and Roland belt that out :D
A: Break of Day is about paranoia, and how powerful fate is, and that it doesn’t matter how fast or far you run from things. They will eventually catch up. Somehow it felt very current in the situation of what happened to the band and me. It explained how I wanted to follow my own path after a long time of straying from that. I think a lot of the lyrics I wrote for We Rule the Night were decked out with what was to come of the whole deal. “I try not to make plans, plans are for people in control of their own life,” for example, is pretty obvious from where that came from. I doubt Roland and I will ever play it live.

Owned by fate
Q: Is it possible to put a high resolution version of the Nightmareland graphic on the website so we can use it for Facebook profile pictures, desktop wallpaper, etc
A: Not at this time, no. Once the single is released I’ll be sure to put out a high-res picture of it for that purpose. Maybe even a poster print.
Best Regards