Meet us at the darkside
Kategori: Allmänt
Where to start!?... Oh yes, the pre-order campaign for The Unguided’s debut album Hell Frost has been raging on for approximately three weeks now, and it’s looking mighty good! We’re super proud of you guys—the faithful fans and the results of this drive. It’s hard to tell when it will be sold out, but it’d suggest it will anytime now. What I can guarantee is, however, that you’ll be equally proud of us when the 30th of November finally arrives and you are holding the Hell Frost jakebox package in your hand, wearing that badass USB necklace around your neck, decked out in the latest The Unguided shirt. If you really want your own limited edition version of Hell Frost I would recommend you to place the order in the coming days. Another detail that is certain is that it will never go to print again. Don’t miss out!
The Unguided - Hell Frost General's Armaments package, find it here
Go to right away and secure your very own copy!
The Unguided – Hell Frost Tracklist:
1. Inherit the Earth
2. Phoenix Down
3. Betrayer of the Code
4. My Own Death
5. Serenade of Guilt
6. Collapse my Dream
7. Green Eyed Demon
8. Iceheart Fragment
9. Pathfinder
10. Where the Frost Rose Withers
11. The Miracle of Mind (Bonus song, only available on jakebox CD)
"You are running out of miracles", Hell Frost wallpapers avalible here
Let me state some facts about Hell Frost, just to tease you a bit more:
Hell Frost is obviously a contrast to the Eden Fire album. It’s a eulogy to the old album with a symbolic stand for the same musical freedom and joy we had back during these days. As far as the sound goes, it picks up somewhere between EF and OI, while adding a lot of maturity and experience to the spectrum. Also, utilizing new features such as; tons of guitar solos and technical guitars, bass guitar playing a central role, in-depth keyboard production (and keyboards having a major function, again), distinct vocal roles, wider musical range while still maintaining the bands identity and much, much more.
Hell Frost <-> Eden Fire
As far as the song titles go, people may recognize Hell Frost titles are tied to the previous material on Eden Fire. Some apparent ones may be:
Serenade of Guilt <–> Lament of Innocence
Collapse my Dream <–> Enhance my Nightmare
Iceheart Fragment <–> Soulstone Splinter
Pathfinder <–> Jailbreak
Where the Frost Rose Withers <–> Where the Black Lotus Grows
There’s also the new “colored eyed” song, Green Eyed Demon. In addition, there are two ancient and restored Fallen Angels tracks, which are Betrayer of the Code and Inherit the Earth from the 2001-2002 demo era.
My Own Death is the sum of the photo competition winner Matti Hänninen’s (Agent #418) award. In his victory, he was granted to decide a theme for one song, and he picked the powerful theme of death. Or, in other words, the fragility of humans and their life viewed from The Grim Reaper’s perspective. It was a very interesting and paradoxical theme. I had a lot of fun writing it. It was a thought provoking and striking subject!
"My Own Death"
The Miracle of Mind is a Spark! cover song. Spark! is an industrial EBM band from Falkenberg. The are also good friends of ours. They sing in Swedish, so I translated the lyrics into English. If you want to listen to the original song, Tankens Mirakel, there’s a YouTube link here. If you prefer Spotify it’s this link. Be sure to “like” their Facebook page here as well!
"Spark! - Tankens Mirakel"
The cover artwork was made by the extremely talented, Kuang Hong. It portrays a winged (green eyed, obviously) demonic male character (A character yet unnamed) in a snow-covered cold and icy landscape. Again, this is to illustrate the contrast of fire and heat. The demon is holding his reclaimed heart in one hand and a blade in the other, and has the unguided crest on his left pauldron, as well as his right lower leg amour. In the full illustration he is also accompanied by his “wraiths” as they are together leaving “nightmareland”. The triple solar symbol banners can be found in the full artwork as well, with their temple prison in the background. Symbolic Eden Fire skulls are also scattered around the main character to symbolize their advancement and victory over his captors. You can tell by the color of all the eyes on the characters that they are connected and tied to each other. What about their destination? Well, no one knows; they are unguided (hehe), but they are by no means staying in the frozen landscape of “hell frost” and there does not seem to be any further peaceful negotiations. Time will tell!
The Unguided Crest
Lyrically and thematically, it shows the same vision I had on Eden Fire, only many, many years after. It’s never an entirely new start for me. Whatever I write, in whatever band I find myself in, one thing is always certain: I will always carry my vision with me. It’s an always present, and never changing vision. Hell Frost is no exception! People may believe its plagiarism, or an attempt on reliving old patterns, but they couldn’t be more wrong. It’s simply the same organism, the very same vision I ever had, just a continuation of it. As said before, this would be the album I would have written if I still were in (put random band name here). And the next album I’ll write will pick up the same thread where it ended in Hell Frost, even if I was the lyricist of Metallica or whatever. And, above all, it’s not a low blow towards anyone, even if cheap shots are what some of you would seek to find. I have an entirely unaltered passion towards the first three albums of my career. I even possess some love for bits and pieces of WRTN. To throw dirt in that direction would simply be to soil myself, and most of you would by this day and age know for sure; I’m too full of myself to do just that. So lyrically, what will one find on Hell Frost? Well, you will find environmentally invigorated themes of vampires, death, self-reflection, shattered dreams, jealousy, love recognition, hope, crusading, and mankind glorifying lyrics, kind of…
"I don't want it anymore"
What you will NOT find on Hell Frost, however, is a 12th track or additional guest vocals by anyone else but Peter Tägtgren on Pathfinder. So we can stop those deceitful rumors at once, even though I was the one that might have started them, hehe. Check this fan made video out. The video is confidently calling Hell Frost; “the true descendent of Eden Fire”and that does have quite a ring to it!
Hell Frost, the true descendent of Eden Fire
There’s also an interview in Swedish regarding the Hell Frost release in the local newspaper “Hallands Nyheter,” check it out here.
Hell Frost interview in local newspaper
Keep yourself updated on our official Facebook as the release gets closer and closer, you’ll always be up to date there on:
Also, an “Army of The Unguided” guild has recently formed on World of Warcraft, on the server “Outland” EU. It is where some of the dedicated 616 soldiers and I are enjoying a casual environment in the game. Anyone is welcome really! Just /who “Army of the unguided” or PM me in-game (Harbinger) and you’ll get an invite to the guild. The only requirement you need to meet is to be a fan of the band, and possess the intension of having a good time with equally good people in this vast virtual world. What are you waiting for? Migrate/Race change to Outland Horde, or level your character AT ONCE! (Keep in mind, I prefer not to talk about the band in-game because when I play games that’s my little haven and escape from reality. I’d appreciate to talk about more trivial, non-band related topics. If you have direct questions regarding the band, go to: [email protected], thank you!)
Army of The Unguided @ Outland EU
I noticed some people trying to decipher the lyrics of the recent radio aired song Inherit the Earth. The attempts made my eyes bleed heavily, and gave me instant cortex explosion. So, please, I beg you to stop that and just use the correct lyrics handed to you here:
Go, All wrong
You can breathe… (breathe now)
You can breathe but the air is running out
We lost all hope (lost all hope)
In the church of our doom
And suffer through
The funeral of our world
We breed germs in vials with the means to kill continents
In chemical warfare
We design bombs, which can knock the earth from its path
It’s path around the sun
The prince is never going to make his way
Sleeping beauty is already dead
Still the worst is yet to come
Every brick you see in this world
Is there because we put it there
Now we just seek to destroy
Everything that we created
You don’t inherit the earth from your parents, you just borrow it
Borrow it from your children
Now ask yourself who pulls the strings of your life
And cut them one by one
Grow a new one
Grow a new one
Grow a new one
Grow a new heart
"Pray to whatever God you belive in"
The Bandit Boat 12 is frighteningly close to set sail. The devoted day of November 11th is coming swiftly. Be sure to get your tickets here, and don’t be the one left behind alone in port. This upcoming sea broil will for sure echo over the seven seas as the most awesome voyage within living memory! Full band line-up: Black Stone Cherry, Rise to Remain, Korpiklaan, Threadstone, Bandit Metalizers and of course The Unguided. So many bands, in so few hours, and on sooo much floating metal! HELL (FROST) YEAH!!!'
"The most awesome voyage within living memory!"
Also, be sure to support the band and vote for Inherit the Earth on Bandit Most Wanted. It’s super simple! Just follow this link, and enter the following:
Din Önskelåt: “The Unguided – Inherit the Earth”
Namn: (Your name)
Mailadress: (Your E-mail)
[Submit ] <- Click here! ;)
This coming Wednesday (26/10) at 22.00-00.00 The Unguided will visit Peter Iwers from In Flames and Fredrik Stenberg to be their radio guests! The program is called “Bandit Grovmalet”. You can reach it via the bandit web-radio if you can’t tune into the FM radio here in Sweden.

Bandit Grovmalet
We had a little incident with the Inherit the Earth radio premiere the other day. This resulted in a couple of unfortunate bans on the official Facebook. I just want to underline that it’s legal to rip a track from a radio station for personal use. Ripping it from the radio, converting it to an Mp3, and uploading the song to file share sites, then ultimately posting the link on the official band Facebook page for everyone to D/L is NOT, and will result in a permanent ban with no extenuating circumstances. So please, DON’T if it still is in your interest to mingle at that very page, of course. There’s no way to undo a page ban, so once you’re banned you’ll remain so, until you change your Facebook account. This rule goes for trolling, or other disrespectful behavior towards us, or other fans, on the page. Thread lightly and intelligently, as I know you can!
Then again, I see no point in listening to a song picked up from an already bad source, and then further mutilating it to the disgusting Mp3 format. But everyone is not as picky as I am apparently.

Dare to be stupid?
There has been a rough summer in the clothing business, and Mr.nZANE is not pleased at all. I’d do anything to make him happy, and surely you would? If you support awesome clothing and the stores selling them, and also live in the Gothenburg area, be sure to check his stock out! Apparently, he has clothes ranging from XXS-XXXXXXXL, so you will most likely be able to find something that fits. Check his site out here for address information.

To support, I bought myself a pair of winter-deflecting head units
Another of my guest vocal appearances has reached the light of day. This time it’s the Spanish industrial band, Killus, that has featured my vocals in their song “Vehemence”. Be sure to check it out here and also “LIKE” their Facebook page here. They are also topical with their new album "Never something was so real".

"Killus - Vehemence feat. Richard Sjunnesson"
I’ve also bought myself a new toy! However, it’s with some regret in my heart that I bought this one. But T5 is just too damn delicious looking to resist. Don’t get me wrong; Warlocks are still the scum of the earth, and their stupid ass pets and them are successfully causing raid wipes since 2005...

Charlie Sheen

Corruptor Raiment
That’s all for now! Until next time, I’ll just continue to look super awesome in my OnePiece. Thank you Ella, best gift ever!

OnePiece it up!
Send your questions to: [email protected]
Q: What happened to your private Facebook?! You vanished!
A: Had a little absence from it when my uncle passed away since I didn’t want to get reminded of it all the time. I’m back on it now.
Q: it’s just my neediness here ha but was Phoenix down named after the Final Fantasy item?
A: No, it’s about Gears of War, and the victory of the locust horde! Hehe. No, to be honest, it’s a reference to the down feathers of a phoenix, which are rumored to be able to bring someone back to life. The very same property as the phoenix bird itself has. The lyrics are about starting over, the title appeared to me as appropriate.

Marcus Fenix
Q: Which Soulstone Splinter version do you prefer? The Fallen Angles or the Sonic Syndicate one?
A: The Eden Fire one, the demo version is recorded sloppy, and the vocals are horrible. I’ve been listening to Soulstone Splinter a lot lately, since my diseased uncle did the solo in that number. The song means a great deal to me, and the lyrics speak for itself.
Q: I think you should release a special collector’s edition of BOTC in a physical cd later in your career. I would love to have it and i think other dedicated fans would to. Just food for thought.
A: Not going to happen. It will be included on the album. You’ll also find the single artwork in the booklet. We consider that being enough.
Q: Why can't people ask questions worth answering!? Come on people I'm calling you out! I see the same questions on EVERY blog. And to whomever wrote LOAD instead of LAOD: wow. That’s a fail. It just sounds wrong. And to brenocide: you are the worst! Sorry there wasn't much of a question ;)
A: People, accept the challenge!

Q: Oh by the way, one question. Do you ever get any crazy, over-the-top fangirls/fanboys that are like “OMG I LOVE YOU OMG OMG”? ;)
A: Not over-the-top in a way that I think it’s so overwhelming I can’t stand it. My fans are very respectful, and I feel much appreciated. I like to stay closly in touch with my die-hard followers, and there are plenty of those.
Q: you know, on all your photos on every blog, you never smile once! ='[ I think you should post a photo of you when your smiling so people know you can smile too! (ofc you can but you never show it) always that serious or angry faces?=[
A: I’ve been unable to smile since Star Wars: Episode I and the creation of Jar Jar Binks. Sorry.
Q: Can you do anything about illegal download sites where people can download your music? Can't you sue their asses?
A: Why bother? It’s just a costly process, which we’d never win anyway. Illegal sites will always exist. And they always find a way. It's up to the true fans to stay away from them and support the bands.

Why bother?
Q: I was just wondering if the limited edition of the new album will be available to US residents without crazy shipping fees? I was going to get Nightmareland, but the cost of shipping kept me off, so I just got the songs off Amazon. I also couldn't figure out how to pay either, since nothing was in English! But if a whole new album is coming out with special packaging, and some other goodies, I won't be able to resist. Maybe you could take all the preorders from the US and mail them out at the same time? I don't know, but whatever you do, I'm getting a physical copy of the album. Please just try to make it a little easier, and have translated page to order from at least.
A: ”Add to cart”, ”Select your country…”, ”Update total”, ”Checkout”, it all appear to me as English? And once you go to PayPal there’s an option to change it from; “Svenska” (Swedish) to English. I’m pretty sure if you are in the US and press “Checkout” it will automatically change to English (could be wrong). You see,we optimized it in a way so that very, very old people with no Swedish skills what so ever (or vision for that matter) could still put their The Unguided order. So I’m not really sure what you are referring to here? We have been looking into the shipping issue and done what we could about it. Now it’s adjusted in the way that the guy from, let’s say Australia does not need to pay ridiculous shipping cost while the guy in Sweden (closest from where we send it out) will pay close to nothing for shipping. We have tried to found a number in between the two extremes that would work, so it’s equal for everyone. Meaning; lower cost for the far away fans and a slightly more expensive for the close proximity fans. Generally I’d just want to add; shipping is expensive whatever way you choose to attack it. This appears to me the fairest “solution” though.
Q: Also, I was also wondering who writes all the clean melodies? I know Roger does music and you do lyrics and screaming patterns, but who does the pitched stuff? Can you even read regular music?
A: I can’t read music for shit. Roger and Roland are both pretty schooled, however. Roland has even worked as a music teacher once upon a time (And still even has some padawans, I dare to remember). What we usually do with the clean vocal melodies is that I stake out where I would expect clean vocals to fit in the song (read: chorus), in my own pre-production and do a raw melody recording of it myself. Then when Roland pops over and we pre-produce his vocals, he figures out the proper notes he want to use, alters the melody in the way he see fit, or does a completely new one, plus come up with harmonies. He usually also find other places where he tastefully thinks it would fit with clean vocals.
Q: Today I didn't want to bring a random question. This time, I thought to bring you a quiz! Complete the following sentences with either an album you own or know, preferably one you own, but it doesn't really matter that much. AND, please ad a little summery surrounding the topic and why you chose THAT album.
Richard Sjunnesson... I welcome you to THE DISCS OF DOOM!
A: Why, thank you!
Q: The first album i bought was…
A: Europe – 1982-1992, still listen to it regularly.
Q: A kid asks me what metal is. I'd hand him a copy of...
A: The Crown – Deathrace King, there’s nothing more metal. I’ve checked!
Q:The best album artwork is...
A: Blind Guardian – Nightfall In Middle-Earth, Andreas Marshall really overdid himself here! Brilliant “The Silmarillion”-concept artwork capturing Lúthien dancing in front of Morgoth. I can still find myself looking at it and just discovering more and more details and I’ve owned the album for over a decade now.
Q: I break the speed limit to...
A: Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, well I break the speed limit to anything really, does not even have to be music… But this one does not make it go any less fast (and furious).
Q: The album that broke my heart was...
A: Iced Earth – Something Wicked Part II, I expected so much out of Matt’s return and I gained so little… Having my hopes up for Dystopia! I’ll give Stu a proper chance. “Dante´s inferno” with Stu’s voice does sound very promising.
Q: The album I wish I'd made is...
A: Dark Tranquillity – Damage Done, such a delicate masterpiece. Both musically and lyrically I’ve asked myself millions of times why I did not come up with what’s incased in that very disc.
Q: The album I'd want to be remembered for...
A: The Unguided – Hell Frost, it will be the best out of my career so far.
Q: The album I'd want played at my funeral...
A: Sonic Syndicate - We Rule The Night, In that that sate I could probably finally endure it. But don’t hold your breath.
Q: The first album I had sex to is...
A: H.I.M – Razorblade Romance, it was not WITH Ville Valo however, even if he was very present indeed.
Q: The album that gets me ready for love is...
A: Cannibal Corpse – Tomb of the Mutilated, nothing gets me more in the mood than just Hammer Smashed Face or the appropriate I Cum blood.
Q: No one will ever believe I own a copy of...
A: Fall Out Boy – Take This to Your Grave, SO WHAT?! FUCK OFF! hehe I thought the title Grenade Jumper was cool. Only reason, promise…
Q: The album that should not be….
A: Sonic Syndicate - We Rule the Night, it’s a waste of material space in the universe which could be filled with utterly better atoms.
Disc of Doom
Q: Have you ever heard of the Swedish band Adept? And if you did, do you like their music?
A: No. I prefer listening to masters over adepts.
Q: Well, what comes to The Unguided and the photo session, AND the debut album. I have this proposal, that all photos from your photo session there should be this "head-photo" in the booklet, so when you took those photos when you all three are in them, someone on the front. I wish the "headman" should be Roger standing in front. Without him you would be suffering a lot and who know, you would be NOWHERE!
A: Ohh, what have we here? Another of them managers right!? Get in line! The Unguided would be nothing with either of us, there’s no such thing as a headman in The Unguided and if it was possible we would all stand in the middle and be in the front at the same time.
Q: I’m in trouble maybe u could help me out hehe all my friends say that I’m good at growl and they say i should get a cover on YouTube. What does u say? :S
A: I think your friend is lying. My mom said once I’m good at soccer, when In fact I really did suck. Don't listen to what people say and start a fishing career of some sort. It teaches you how to be patient in life. Send me a YouTube video of yourself fishing, and I’ll review your technique.
Q: The videos of Denied and Enclave both start with the former Sonic Syndicate logo appearing and disappearing as an intro to the actual video. Why? Or, why did you guys not chose to continue with it on the other videos? Seems kind of cool to me.. AND notice how Union Square's video for Deceit also starts like that. I know you guys are close as their vocalist was originally planned for Eden Fire clean vocals and you've recorded a track with them, although their now known as A Silent Escape. Is there any connection maybe? I actually find that the whole Deceit video reminds me of Denied, hehe.
A: There’s plenty of connections, Patric Ullaeus directed and filmed them all for example. They are shot in the very same white room. Check out Evergrey – A Touch of Blessing, that’s also the same white room in his studio. The logo in the beginning was probably to work in the name seeing it was our first video and also Union Square’s first video. Like an introduction. Denied is basically just showing the band and its different characters anyway, plain and simple a showcase of the band. I guess that’s what he wanted to portray.
Q: Not to be a hater or anything... but the news reporter on Burn This City, what do you think of her performance? I thought it was really br00tal. Couldn't wait until he was done with talking... and what's up with all the monster energy drink promotion? xD Although your rides are preeetty sweet.
A: I think she was as skilled actress as I am in the “Contradiction” video, hehe. She’s really a Swedish radio host, so I guess it’s not really her thing anyway. There has been a little too much negativity aimed towards her part, which I think is unnecessary. I really appreciate her contribution and the fact that she was willing to help us out.
Q: What Sonic Syndicate music video do you enjoy the most, and witch was the most fun to record?
A: I think the video I think come out the best and I enjoyed recording the most is actually Burn This City. Never thought I would say this but Turn It Up was pretty fun to record as well, might have been for the fact we was drinking during the whole session, hehe.
Q: Will the album be able in stores? Because I don't believe that packages could arrive to Egypt haha
A: I think you’re wrong. I was once winging for Tutankhamun. So he’s in debt. He might be able to send a homing falcon to deliver your package. In all unserious seriousness I think you can order the package to anywhere in the world, might not get it on the release day but you’ll eventually receive it. I do think it’s a bigger change you’ll receive it this way, than actually waiting for it to pop up in a store in Africa.
Q: I’m very curious of what we’ll receive in that limited package. Can you confirm what we’ll receive and when we can pre-order?
A: Patience is a virtue. Even the bible proclaims it. I dare to admit that I’m ready to side with that.
Q: just want to ask if there is any way to get an autograph from you guys! Can't wait for the album! Hope to see you soon here in Czech Republic!
A: I think with the upcoming album package there will be signed goods, so just wait for that and you’ll have your autographs.
Q: I guess, Sonic was founded by some friends that jammed together and thought it would be a good idea. But as you gave us a lot of insights into the problems you had (communication e.g.) I would like to know how that relationship evolved over the years. Were you still a bunch of friends, hanging out at pubs and planning to name their kids after other Sonic-members, or did you develop into some kind of "business relationship" with people only coming together, went there was Sonic-work to do?
A: The first years we hung around with each other privately at non-sonic related business, parties, and whatnot all the time. But this died out over the years. I spent very limited time with them in my private life when we did not do sonic related matters the past few years. And yes, I saw the band solely as a business in the past years. That view hindered me to not cave in to my disappointment earlier than I actually did.
Q: So you like Cipher System? Also, I just discovered a band named Motionless In White with a song named Abigail. Watch the music video on YouTube.
A: Cipher System rules! Was a big fan of Central Tunnel Eight back in the days and are equally in love with their recent Communicate The Storms. Definitely an album everyone with any sense of good taste should check out. Not sure about that Motionless In White thingy, like the originals better (All That Remains and Trivium).
Q: What do you miss most about being in Sonic and what 3 songs so you miss playing live most?
A: The lovely people, friendly environment, management, the recent good music, and Robin. I always enjoyed performing Red Eyed Friend, Aftermath and Jailbreak. But there are so many songs I like from the three first albums. It’s really hard to pick out what ones I miss the most.
Q: Also have you heard Robin trying to growl? If so what do you think of it? I personally think its somewhere between terrible and comedic.
A: Please don’t get me started. Just don't.
Bitch, please.
Q: Hope all is well and also do you have a date for the wedding yet?
A: Definitely going to be 2012-06-16. Eh?
Q: Why are you leaving faithful darkness :( :( :(
A: Explained as of last blog.
Q: Will the special edition of TU album be available online like amazon mp3?
A: That is not determined at this point. The limited edition package is our priority now.
Mp3 player
Q: I was wondering if you had the download link for the “L’Elf Noir du mal” font and yes i tried the other two link that were in previous blogs and the webpage said error 404. Other than i just keep doing what you’re doing it’s all awesome!
A: Sorry for that, here you go sir.
Q: Do you use/have MSN? If so, could I add you to my list please :)
A: I have an MSN but I have not used it for ages and I’m not considering going back to it anytime soon.
Q: Not that I don't like your singing style, but will there be some dark...DARK song like "Where The Black Lotus Grows'? Dude that song fucking darkness!! Not to mention how much strength it gives me for deadlifts!!
A: Since Eden Fire I’m not allowed to do dark songs for mom. She’s deeply religious and she would condemn me. I write about Harry Potter now. She blesses it. Go fagwand, GO!
"You´re a wizard Harry!"
Q: And, will you play Diablo 3? The town of the beta is so dark and gloomy...I think you will like it!!
A: I guess I have to queue it up after StarCraft II of games I should play, but did not yet found the time for.
Q: Is there any way I could get the album art without any words on it. The words block the warrior's head and I want to use him for an avatar on the board. Thx.
A: Check the wallpapers here, his head is not blocked there.
Q: I e-mailed you regarding Dreamhack some time ago. Just curious to see if there have been some progress made. I mean, will The Unguided play or not? DBA will be having a show there and it would be awesome if you also could play!
A: Roger has mailed them but did not get any replies. So I guess that is not going to happen, sadly. Anyways if you still want to help out mail them yourselves and tell them you really want to see us there! We’re totally looking to do it.
TU @ Dreamhack?
Q: On the release of the album, will be there any specials in addition to the album?
A: There’s a limited edition, special jakebox edition of Hell Frost. Once it goes to print and is sent out, it will be never be reprinted again. So hurry up with that pre-order if you prefer being safe, rather than sorry.
Q: Am I too greedy if I want to know the track listing as well? (Witch freakin' song did you guys cover?!)
A: The track listing is available at Hope it makes you satisfied! We chose to cover the song “Tankens Mirakel” by an EBM band in Sweden called “Spark!” It’s only included on the jakebox edition of Hell Frost.
Q: It’s probably a lost cause to ask if there will be another single prior to the release of the album?
A: We’ll see, but it’s not an entirely lost cause since Bandit Rock will be rotating Inherit the Earth from October 11th.
Inherit the Earth
Q: How is the music video aspect coming along by now?
A: We’ll be looking to do a music video for Phoenix Down. We are not sure who we will be working with on the video yet.
Q: Are the album versions of "Green Eyed Demon", "Pathfinder" and "Betrayer of the Code" different from the EP and single versions? Or the songs performed live like "Phoenix Down"? Are the differences most just he mix, or are there notable changes that we will hear?
A: Yes they are. They got a facelift in the shape of new drums, new reamped guitars, and newly produced keyboards for GED and PF. And of course a totally new mix to match the album sound. I think the changes are more apparent in GED and PF than in BOTC. This is good seeing there was never a physical release of BOTC anyway.
Q: What will happen to the tracks you've recorded with Faithful Darkness? I really, really, REALLY want the album version of "Hate Injection", with YOUR vocals..
A: Well, nothing will happen with them since I’m the only one having them. If they want to use them, they are free to that, but I hardly think that will happen. I’ll probably do a decent raw mix myself of the material and rock it in my car, hehe.
Wasted recording
Q: Are there any guest appearances on the album?
A: Except for Peter Tägtgren in Pathfinder, we unfortunately didn’t have time to play around with a vocal guest appearance. If we were to release the album this year (I think you all agree that we made the right choice) a couple of people we asked, and got word of confirmation from were: Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquillity), Wiplasher Bernadotte (Deathstars), Hansi Kürsch (Blind Guardian), and Christoffer Andersson (What Tomorrow Brings). But as said, time ran out for us. We’ll try to save the idea for the sequel album, of course. Then again there are musical guest appearances, seeing that Jonas Kjellgren (Scar Symmetry) is featured on the bass, John Bengtsson (Sonic Syndicate) nailed the drums, and Pontus Hjelm (Dead By April) helped Roger to produce the keyboards.
Q: Back then when you said, if anyone wanted autographs, he should write to you, I did. Sadly i never got any Autographs, even though I got a mail from Caroline from the Unguided Team. Is it still possible to receive personal autographs? Especially ma Girlfriend Tamara is a great fan of yours and would really love to have a personal autograph. I mean, sure, we got the autographs on the poster from the 616 and will have the ones from the new Hell Frost package, but that’s not the same, is it? I would really appreciate an answer :-)
A: We know a lot of people sent in requests for autographs via the old army of the unguided site. But since we did a signed poster for Nightmareland, we figured the demand was saturated. The database of the people who sent in requests is still saved, however. But I strongly doubt we’ll find the time to do it with the busy times of the album release. My apologies!
Q: Any chanced you're going to play in Germany soon? We would really love to come see you live again :D
A: Pick a random blog entry of mine for my answer to this question. I’m sure they are included in pretty much each and every one.
Q: How many copies of HELL FROST will be shipped?
A: Not determined at this point.
Q: Does the album feature any ballads? :)
A: No.
Q: Will there be a twelfth track and will Christoffer Andersson do a guest vocal on it. I need to know. If you tell me it will stay in my inbox for no one else’s eyes.
A: There was a 12 track. Guitars, bass and drums are recorded for it. But we simply didn’t have time to have a proper pre-production and vocal session for it in the tight schedule. So it’s stored for future use. You’ll probably find it on an upcoming EP or something. It will not be trashed!
Hidden track?
Q: I was reading your most recent blog i like reading your blogs you’re a great writer lol I seen that of course you will have Green eyed demon, Pathfinder, Betrayer of the code on the new album Hell Frost for new fans. But you said you guys were changing some of the keyboard parts or more? I wanted to ask you directly what were your guys plans of changes on those songs to make them better than the versions you guys have already released? Just curious thanks!! :)
A: I’ve touched the subject a couple of questions up and went through the tweaks of the songs there. We’ve made a lot of soundscape changes to match the album mix and the biggest new featured is new drums and keyboards. There was never an apparent better/worse track on Nightmareland, and I’ve noticed there are as many fans having Pathfinder as their favorite as there are fans liking Green Eyed Demon better. This made it kind of problematic to us in the sense of declining one of the two songs for the album, and makes it exclusive only for Nightmareland. In the end we decided to include both songs on the album since we really didn't want new fans to miss out on a great song, because they wouldn’t be familiar to the track anyway. So to them it would be a brand new song anyway. If there was a track that was just slightly weaker, it would have stayed as an exclusive track for Nightmareland. We don't think that was the case however, so that’s why we treated the matter the way we did. Listening on the album from the top to the bottom they sink / blend in perfectly, though. It’s not like when I listen to it I skip them. There are enough new features in them to keep them interesting according to me.
Q: I’ve been listening to a lot of Deathstars (I’m also attending a concert of them Nov 30th, god-damn great day that will be!!), and since you and that band appear to be friends, and you clean voice (at least what I’ve heard of it) is also nice and low like Whiplasher Bernadotte’s vocals. What would you think of collaboration between The Unguided and Whiplasher? Just a wild thought though...
A: Read my answers about guest vocals some questions up. He does have a really unique and amazing voice!
Q: Now that you’re back with Roland creating music, how does it feel? Does it feel like the old Sonic Syndicate days or maybe something new?
A: It does feel great to be working with both Roland and Roger again. It doesn't really feel like the old Sonic Syndicate days since we all matured, and are more experience songwriters, lyricists, and vocalist. The professionalism in The Unguided surpasses old Sonic Syndicate days to an immeasurable extent, and it’s a really confident and healthy atmosphere in the making. Same goes for John and Henric, it’s truly a pleasure to work with them as well. But it does feels like a new thing, I have to admit that. Fresh start for all of us!
Feels awesome!
Q: Do you and Roland have any plans of touring? I know the United States would be better to have you, or will you stick to the local festivals that you say in your blog?
A: Once again, pick a random blog entry and I’m sure you’ll find the answer to your question.
Q: What made you decide to do the guest vocals for Hollowcall?
A: They mailed me and asked if I wanted to participate in a song and sent some of their stuff. I liked what I heard, and went through with it. Seeing I have a home studio, it’s not too much effort into making a couple of vocal tracks for an upcoming band. It seems like it’s going pretty well for them also!
Q: Sonic Syndicate Pausar, care to give us a rough translation? I don't know a lick of Swedish.
A: It basically says they’re taking a pause.
Q: Would you play Diablo 3 when it comes out, and have you see the previews of it? :)
A: Answered in another question, and I’ve seen some class in game cinematic and the cinematic announced with the title. It does look shamelessly good and temping.
The Black Soulstone
Q: Well i read your blog my Question wasn’t there >_<
A: That’s because it’s probably included in this one! Most of the time there is a one blog delay on answers. I answer the mails, compile the questions, write the Q&A, and finally I write the blog. So questions asked about this blog will be answered in two blogs from now, basically.
Q: Could you please let me know the dimensions of the limited edition signed poster though so I can get a frame ready for it? If you know them that is!
A: It was featured two entries ago. It’s 70x50cm.
Q: Tell me plz how can i get cd and t-shirt if there is no Belarus in countries of sending? What shall I do now!?
A: T-shirt and cd does ship worldwide. If you run into problem please contact [email protected]
Q: I preordered the big package for Hell Frost and just yesterday I got an email from someone named "Ömer Akay" telling me that my order was received and that I'm one of the lucky 616. I was just wondering if everyone received that, and if not what does that entitle me to get? Like is it like the first unguided package where they got "I'm one of 616" on the backs of their shirts or something? So I was just wondering if being a 616 for this package will get me anything extra.
A: I entitle you to get what you ordered, which is usually the case when you order stuff?
"No gold for u"
Q: Word on the street is you guys did 12 tracks and I preordered the cool Edition of your CD and it's only going to have ten tracks plus the Cover song! I love everything you've done since the early days and I've been hunting down bonus stuff as well, took me quite a while to find a good copy of Mission: Undertaker but I finally got that a couple years ago. Anyway, so what is that mystery track?!?!
A: Explained in another question of this Q&A.