Sentenced to survive
Kategori: Allmänt
The ongoing The Unguided campaign; “Tour de l’immortalité” hits Stockholm for the second time, today! We figured since the Stockholm gig in March, had age restriction, we wanted to make an all-ages reprise for the youngster squad of the unguided family! Hope to see you at the legendary punk venue Kafé 44 tonight!
By: Steffen Hemmert
Tomorrow we’ll take on L’Orient in Linköping. First show with The Unguided in Linköping, so that’s really exciting. We had complete mental evenings in Gothenburg at Sticky Fingers and Backstage Rockbar in Trollhättan a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to everyone that came out and the venues for taking really good care of us! Special thanks for the never-ending support from the 616 army, for traveling far for our shows!
Here’s some pictures from Sticky fingers:

Sexy drummer

Final rehersal
And some from Backstage Rockbar:
Getting stuff done at the Rockbar!

Roland getting ready in his own way.

Clemens Clearwater gave me Blind Guardian wine. THANK YOU!

No way Jose, not getting all that down!

Someone did great PR!

No one cares about your stupid Cat-Dog...

Ella, myself and the support act in Stockholm; Mental Issues, have been busy with putting out propaganda in the royal capital of Sweden for tonight’s show. If you live in the city, hope you’ve eyed out some of those fine posters (and didn’t steal them…)

Propaganda squad
We just recently released a “making of” video of “Inception”, might be interesting!
Inspection of Inception
Also our friend Rechyyy, have made a new game montage featuring music from “Fragile Immortality”, be sure to check it out, he’s very talented!
There’s been some great fan support this month as well, especially from Steffen Hemmert who’s blessed us with his amazing art once again!

"Rich" by: Steffen Hemmert

"Roger" by: Steffen Hemmert

New tattoo idea? by: Steffen Hemmert


Great tattoo at Taylor Clayton!
As for shows, I checked out the Swedish band; Raubtier's tour with a collague some week ago. Good show! With tanks on stage, crazy stuff.


We were given some Russian vodka from our Russian followers during the release party. And of course we had to try this treacherous fire water. Ella and I hosted a “get-together” in our apartment with the most thick-skinned guys we know, to see what we could make out of that “Red Army Vodka”. It was a insane journey through “Pub Anchor” and “Heaven's Gate”, which utterly ended up with two days hangover… Thank you Lilia!


Add this guy, "Terror", and you are in for quite a ride

Yeah... I turn 30 soon...

On the more healthy side, Ella and I had a great weekend at the mansion of Krusenberg, recently. Just to relax and recharge our batteries, which have been intensely drained of power, the last couple of months. It was a nice mansion just outside Stockholm, were we spent a lot of hours in the sauna and even outdoor bathing in lake; Mälaren. Just what we needed!

Spencer mansion?

In the middle of nowhere


Afternoon tea

Walk by the lake

Wealthy. Well, not after my last mic purchase.



Beauty and the beast!

Getting ready for dinner


Royal straight flesh

The funeral transport of Charles XII, Sabaton style!

Party like it's 1699!
Life is treating me good! I’ve been enjoy my fair share of “Diablo III – Reaper of Souls”, and also eagerly been watching the latest two episodes of “Game Of Thrones”. As well as seeing a lot of movies lately, and one of my favorites of the past weeks was “Cloud Atlas”, trippy, but very interesting! See you at the shows the coming weeks!
Malthael was no match for my Barbarian

Waffle day!

Spring is coming

Bad case of gardening or an English garden, not sure.

Balcony breakfast!

Carbocide baking

New Yeti beer. So good!
Song of the day: Iron savior – the omega man