In the light of the moon we are the storm of the damned
Kategori: Allmänt
January and February have indeed been interesting months. The new The Unguided album; Fragile Immortality should, at this point, be out everywhere and various reviews are flooding in. And according to them and seeing the selection of favorite songs from the fans it looks like you all have your different favorite songs and opinions, which gladdens me. Since it means we kind of made an album that have a little something for everyone. I think at this point you also have come to understand this is a complex album that won’t settle in your mind during the first couple of spins, and it will show its full potential after a couple of rides.
Album preview

The Unguided - Fragile Immortality
February is also the month we hit 30.000 fans on Facebook. That’s a great little achievement in itself. Some of you have been with us since we merely had a couple of hundred followers back in 2010, but this is slowly becoming a fairly big machine. We are very grateful for that!


This one was popular!
Also all the “Fragile Immortality” packs from the web shop have been shipped since of now and a little bit depending were you live in the world they should show up soon, if they haven’t already. We have also restocked the shop and both versions of the “Fragile Immortality” t-shirt (cover / Syndissiah,) as well as the hoddie will be available soon. Check the official web shop out here. If there’s something you missing, like the vinyl or whatnot, be sure to check Napalm records web shop out here.

This is how your collection should look like. Thank you Takashi!
If you are interested in “Fragile Immortality” related wallpapers or the sketches featured in the “Inception” music video, you can find them at our official Facebook here and here.

"Fragile Immortality" wallpaper

Bandpic wallpaper

"Inception" music video sketches by Kuang Hong
During January we also had our album “listening party” for the fans, in total I think we were people from around seven different nationalities and it was just blatantly a very nice and intimate festivity for the inner circle of fans. The band and everyone organizing the event enjoyed it greatly and I think I could spot one or two smiles from our fellow fans as well hehe. We hope we can do it again around the time of the next album! There were the glorious pre-listening of the album, acoustic set, mingle, fires (:E) and a lot of alcohol, meaning; a great evening altogether! Here’s a couple of pictures from the event.
Heading to the venue

Listening party exclusive t-shirt


Packing the goddiebags.

Rehearsing the acoustic set.

Pre-listening party event at the shooting range!

Scream, Aim, Fire

Our booker; Mr. Skrikhult showed us his A-game

Roger blasting away with the Glock 17

This little drummer boi won the whole event, too much BF4!

Listening party in full force, my padawan Rasmus showed up!

Some familiar faces

This dude came all the way from the lowlands of Holland!

Original 616 in the house!

Acoustic mayhem

Photo time

Go drunk you're home!

This might have been the reason, thank you Lilia!
The coming months we will head out on a Swedish weekend tour to support the new album! Behold; TOUR DE L'IMMORTALITÉ! Although we selected a French name, this tour is unfortunately not planned to come to France, but maybe we can change that? Put some pressure on your promoter’s frenchies!
13/3 - Harry B James - Stockholm – SWE
14/3 - Backstage Rockclub - Sandviken - SWE
15/3 - Nöjesfabriken - Karlstad – SWE
28/3 - Sticky Fingers - Gothenburg – SWE
29/3 - Backstage Rockbar - Trollhättan – SWE
17/4 - Kaffé 44 - Stockholm – SWE
18/4 - L´Orient - Linköping – SWE
Tour de l'immortalité
In addition to this, the first couple of summer festivals have been booked as of now, all German hehe.
14-16/08 - Summer Breeze Festival - Dinkelsbühl - GER
14-16/08 - Metal Frenzy Open Air Festival - Gardelegen - GER
04-06/07 - With Full Force Summer Open Air - Löbnitz – GER
Talking about tours! I checked out our touring buddies from last year; “Smash Into Pieces” in Stockholm the other day. Great gig!

Bandit-Peter tearing it up with his buddies as support

Smash Into Pieces

Scofield got sick of breaking out of prisons and started a band!
I’ve also been busy with guest vocals recording for a yet to be revealed project. A bit different song from what I’m used to, but I had a great time belting it out in Audio Sällström!

Darth Sällström

Shure SM7, you know it!

Valentine’s Day yesterday was really relaxing and we spoiled ourselves with whatever Stockholm had to offer. Both Ella and I was off duty from our daily occupations, and woke up to this great picture of us, made by Kaung Hong as a little Valentine’s Day gift. Thank you Hong! During the evening we visited an Italian restaurant in the old town of the city and everything was just great.
RichElla (by: Kuang Hong)

Hand painted.

Straight through the heart! (I stole this Lilia, hope you don't mind hehe)
Another romantic topic is blatantly World of Warcraft, and I’ve been a busy bee getting my filthy rogue hands on that legendary cloak. Save from the grind, that quest line was pretty rad, I enjoyed it greatly. And I would be surprised if this Wrathion; son of Deathwing, wouldn’t play a big role in some upcoming expansion, seeing how it ended. I’ve also had my luck with Illidan and got both warglaives as of now. Which means “Harbinger” now got four of those orange items. As of now I’m done with PVE for a while and is focusing on BG’s and PVP. So if you want to join me for some BG games, it’s “Harbinger” (Horde) on EU server “Outland”. See you in-game!

Harbinger tamed Onyxia as well

Warglaives of Azzinoth
During New Year’s Eve, I had on-call service, so I was glued to Nynäshamn that week. Which means I celebrated New Year’s Eve with my friend and colleagues family. Since I was sober, Ella literally drank for the both of us. Good job gal! haha. Was a great evening however!

Heading out

Board games! I've missed those.


We also got to see RoboCop the other day and I must say I thought it was pretty awesome. Can’t say I’m a super fan of the classic movies, but this one was really good and it was cool to see Joel Kinnaman in a different role than those “Easy money” movies.

"Your move"
And to conclude this here’s some casual pictures from the last couple of months, enjoy!
Mickis - the Norwegian refugee, was home in Sweden over Xmas!

We had to buy the Xmas gifts ourselves :,( New bed!

New computer!

4 kg protein. I plan to go "Hulk out" on your asses!

Got this great comic strip of Magnus

The winter embraced us for a brief period, but is now gone.
Song of the day: Powerwolf – sacred & wild