Built broken
Kategori: Allmänt
Two entries in one month. That’s a rare occasion! I’m just flying on my high now as I just began my 5 week vacation. This will be one vacation to remember indeed, as our schedule is blatantly stuffed with fun events and happenings ALL THE TIME basically. I will of course update you along the road. As some of you have discovered I’ve recently got myself an Instagram. Or well, I’ve been having Instagram just for the sneaky filters, for a couple of years, but now I’ve decided to go public with it, after some peer pressure within the band. Be sure to follow me @lestatharbinger! As I went public with it, you also get access to a few years of more or less private photos, and since it’s too much to go through, I haven’t had time to filter out any inappropriate subjects, so feel free to gorge yourself in that...
The Unguided - Defector DCXVI (Lyric video)
To support our latest album; “Fragile Immortality” and get a bit of a push before the festivals start, Napalm records have done a lyric video for “Defector DCXVI”. Which clearly is a fan favorite, as understood among our current poll going on in the; “I’m one of the 616”, Facebook fan group. Hope you enjoyed what they came up with! We sure love it, and it’s the first lyric video we’ve officially done up to date, which of course feels nice as well.

Angel of Death - Hellboy II, holding the TU symbol, by: Steffen Hemmert
We are bursting with excitement over the coming months and the lovely festivals. Hopefully we’ll see you guys in the pit! Coming up next is With Full Force.
5/7 - With Full Force Summer Open Air - Löbnitz – GER
7-9/8 - Getaway Rock Festival - Gävle – SWE
14/8 - Summer Breeze Festival - Dinkelsbühl – GER
15/8 - Metal Frenzy Open Air Festival - Gardelegen – GER
25/8 - Gröna Lund - Stockholm – SWE
The Unguided day; June 16, was recently upon us and not only did we release the lyric video for “Defector DCXVI” that day, we did also honor the day with the release of our new “The Unguided cap”! A must have for all the unguided fans, when they check out all the festivals going on this summer. You can find it in our web shop here.

Mockup pic

The real deal!
Some weeks ago, my compadre; Benjamin and I went to check out the “Deathstars” release party in Stockholm, for their steaming fresh and absolutely wicked album; “The Prefect Cult”! Benajmin is a huge fan and even have Whiplasher tattooed on his arm, as well as appropriate “Deathstars” lyrics to go with it. I being a longtime fan as well, possibly not as fanatic, but nevertheless still a fan of the band, and was fortune enough to tour and get to know them back in 2009. A tour I do remember as one of the most fun and weirdest tours up to date. The guys in the band are ace people and would be cool if we could do something together in the future. I recommend everyone to check out the album! Here’s some photos from the night.

Happiest guy in the world

Nightmare Industries

Whip and Doug from W.A.S.P.(!!!)
A guilty pleasure I’ve been having since around 2005, is the Swedish band Kent. I’m a huge fan and have most of their albums, if not all. I do consider them one of the best Swedish bands ever. But I’ve never seen them live unfortunately, this was something Ella was motivated to solve for my birthday as she got me tickets for their Stockholm festival.

Ready as fuck!

Follow the lemming trail over "Gärdet"

People, people everywhere!

Kent fes...

Go away party pooping "Independance Day" cloud

A lot of "Fjällräven". I don't get it? #SLOWFO

Some beers before the show


That guy knows what's up!

Sundown over "Gärdet"

This is what 25 000 people look like

The unholy number struck (down to the millisecond) at the concert countdown

Kent is on!

Best show ever

Restocked some, not close to Roland's collection...

Visited them Cane Corso puppies

The grillmeisters is doing "Kungsängen" unsafe

Swedish midsummer festivities

That yellow brick means; no firewater for me! (On-call...)

Ella and her appropriate dressed brother

Moving out of the the Nynäshamn apartment! (Still have our Stockholm one.)
Song of the day: My Collapse – Built broken