It's another day on the battlefield
Kategori: Allmänt
Hi folks!
Hope you found the Q&A released in last entry informative. I’ve been sitting on that for a while mostly because I didn’t want to answer all the; Fragile Immortality, questions straight after release, to leave some room for your own speculations. But as the album celebrated its 1 year anniversary a few weeks ago, I figured the time was nigh.
So what’s going on within the unguided clan? Unfortunately it’s going a bit slow, since most of us have important matters in our daily lives that is of higher priority as of now. I myself got a new job (at the same company I’m working for through), and is leaving my electrician career behind after 12 years and will now be working as a maintenance scheduler. I’ve been active in my new duty for over a year already, but now it’s on the paper as well. It feels both exciting and challenging!

Even with that said “the green album” (obviously a project name, so do not run off and slap that up on Wikipedia please), is moving forwards. We have ideas for 7 out of 9 songs. Some are actual full songs, while other’s just some riffs and ideas. The plan is to have everything done for evaluation by early April. Hold your thumbs! We have initiated a weekly Skype meeting to structure everything up a bit as we seldom see each other when we are not having gigs. That’s a nice new routine which is working really well!

"Thylaseeker" wobler sketch by Kaung Hong. Unfortunatly it never happened!
Most of you have probably seen the Eye of The Thylacine music video as of now, in a couple of thousand more views, we will be releasing a “making of”-clip for the video. But if you already now want to see a few photos from that eventful day. Here’s your chance!

Arrived at the "Natural History Museum" in Gothenburg

Good to see the 11Frames Productions crew again!

We supplied the elephant with earplugs.

"Rör inte min kompis". Hank and me holding hands?

The Unguided Tribe


"The moose is lose!"

Roger is too fast for love!

New gear.

POLICE accessories.


José and Roland.

Corridor scene.
A week after the video recording in October last year, we also secretly entered the studio to record the Fallen Angels EP. Here’s a couple of photos during that weekend in Studio Haga. I do not have anything from the drum recording some weekends after this one, since only Roger and Rille attended that one. Roger made sure to film some from that event however, so if you are lucky there might be a studio report at YouTube eventually.

Roger and Christian Svedin tracking some juicy riffs!

My best buddy this weekend; "Peluso 22 47 LE".

My work station during the weekend.


Roland tracking some guitars.

It's all about the Hank!

Finished recording!
This coming month we will also have our first gig of 2015 which is also the first gig for over half a year. Be sure not to miss this one! It will be 28/3 in Kungsbacka, Sweden at Elektronen (FB event here.) Yesterday we also released our first festival for the summer! We will play in Ljungaverk, Sweden at Ljungarocken 10-11/7 together with our friends in Takida. That’s the furthest north we ever played with The Unguided in Sweden. We will smear ourselves in mosquito repellent, just to be sure.

Thanks for the invite Takida!
Whoever is up to date know we have released a few new clips at our official YouTube channel The Unguided TV. Some new episodes as well as “making of”-clips from Kuang Hong's artworks for the band. Might be interesting, so check it out!
Xmas special 2014!
"It's a trap!"
Creating the "Hell Frost" artwork.
Creating the "Inception" artwork.
Creating the "Fragile Immortality" artwork
Recently another guest vocal feature from me was released. This time around it’s the band Nerved that have covered Leila K’s classic eurodisco song “Electric”. Check it out here:
Electric! Spotify link here.
A couple of weeks ago I checked out Slipknot in Stockholm. I guess Ella is more of a fan than I am to the band, but I think there were a few good songs on the new album. And live they are always entertaining! This time around at the venue Hovet,it was indeed a quite spectacular stage show, even if the band nowadays is a bit older, they sure make up for it in stage effects. Great show and great sound!

Brought the lawyers so I could feel safe!

Entering the arena.




Really wicked stage effects.

Good show!
What about Xmas and New Year’s Eve? I got a few xmas gifts this year as well, so I couldn't have been too bad 2014. We celebrated the coming of the New Year with close friends at a pretty settle scale in our apartment. Which suited us fine! Thanks for coming by Peter, Olga, Benjamin & Anna! We had a great evening.

Xmas morning.

Photobombed by Ella's mom!

White Xmas in Avesta.

Got some gifts at the west coast as well.

Tha always supportive mom!

Had a visit to grandma as well!

Cookies everywhere!

For New Year's Eve I was responsible for the fireplace.

The hostess this magical evening!

And some more fire closer to midnight!
HERE COMES THE MOST FUN PART OF THE BLOG!.... Horses. What’s going on you wonder? What’s with the increasing flow of horse pictures at my Instagram!? Are horses REALLY metal?!??!?! Yeah, the questions are many. Well, our horses are metal as f*ck. You see, they are islandic horses. Hardened for generations by the harsh climate at Iceland, which ultimately made them extremely talented in intergalactic warfare and almost immune to black holes and supernovas. They even figured an alternative gait to tackle the everlasting winters and deep space traveling called; “tölt”. Legends tell brave tales about Icelandic horses most certain made the final component of the nuclear bomb and that Neal Armstrong was in fact an islandic horse. The first horse on the moon. We have all the horses in the stables as of now(?). Two foals and the adult one. We had a weekend were we traveled 180 miles over two days to collect the foals all over Sweden. That was fun. Let's never do that again!

"Stolt" showing her best side.

Here's "Stolt" after a deep space wormhole transportation (or snowstorm.)

Fetching foals, happiness level over 9000!!!

Well in "Skåne", here's our little miracle "Fjod".

Mission complete! You are now 08ified.

Just outside Hudiksvall, the other one "Gullan" (to the right), with her sister.

Mission complete, after some struggling.


"Gullan" (right), does look like a real prankster.

Finally released in the pastureland we built.

"Stolt" moved as well. Constantly skeptical and on the watch!

"Stolt" got a new haircut.
As said earlier. Life is busy! And that goes for both Ella and myself. Ella recently became a lawyer after 8 years of studying, practicing, hard work and an unquenchable will and dedication. Very inspiring to see! I’m probably the proudest boyfriend in the world. She really archived her goal and I’m super excited for her and the journey that lies ahead of her. Flying into her new title as a lawyer, she also changed character from Wizard to Crusader in Diablo 3. A fitting choice, I’d say seeing her profession! We have been playing some Season 2 in Diablo, and I’m trying a wizard currently. Good game to relax to after all the stress. We both love it! To end this entry, here’s some pictures from various event’s the past month.

Almost forgot about these! Cool stuff.

A visit from our good friends from Arizona! Great evening. Hope to see you back soon!

Lawyer celebration! Ella with her mom, bossing it up!

I can live with this!

My sister and her boyfriend is finally back from Australia! Welcome back!!!
Song of the day: Smash into pieces – Another day on the battlefield
Anonym säger:
Is ur covers inspired by Arthas? :p kinda looks like what would happen if arthas defeated illidan to me :o