I swallowed every hook
Kategori: Allmänt
I don’t really have anything of value or substance to say. I’m just super stoked (and relieved) that a lot of people received their Pandora’s Box package today. Hope you have solid windows for some of those pre-production songs!
Happy screamer (Photo by: Robert Svensson)
I’m dying to hear what you think about the new tune “Deathwalker”. So please write a comment hereunder of your thoughts and feelings.
Deathwalker (Artwork by: J.A.Aranguren)
Song of the day: Story of the year - Wake up the voiceless
Double Agent 145 säger:
It's brilliant. Perfect. Flawless.
Kim Renström säger:
som vanligt har ni lyckats göra en låt som slår de mesta jag har hört i musikväg !.. keep it coming ! \m/
Viktor säger:
Har haft låten på hjärnan sedan ni lanserade den på soundcloud. Sjukt jävla grym är den!! \m/
Kim Smedlund säger:
Bloggadress: http://kimppe95.blogspot.fi/
Clearly one of the best songs from u guys!