Your blood, my blood
Kategori: Allmänt
Just came back from my vacation at Gotland (a small island country just outside the coast of Sweden, inhabited by sheep.) and when I got back I had this gigantic mess of work in my mailbox. I’ve now started to filter it out slowly and these are some of the stuff that surfaced:
01 - Betrayer of the code Music Video TEASER:
That’s right! 15 days till the new music video release. A production which was amazingly funded by you guys via the Pledge Music Campaign we ran earlier this year. 11 Frames Productions have smiled upon you and blessed you whit this little teaser! It’s just enough to still your thirst for two weeks I suppose… or kick up that hunger another notch.
02 – The ULTIMATE Box of ULTIMATE things, Hell Frost, and stuff:
It’s finally here! I got my own dirty, filthy, titanium/tungsten super alloy coated hands on this bitch yesterday and I was like a little child on X-mass opening it. It’s an impressive product and if you didn’t get this one you is certainly missing out! Get your very own at or here (sneaky rumors says it will ship this next Friday, even if the released was pushed until 19th of September. Let’s see what happens!)
Pandora's Box - The Ultimate Hell Frost Collection
03 – THE UNGUIDED booked studio for second album:
We have now booked a studio worthy of the follow up to “Hell Frost”. More about this in the future to come!
About my vacation, I had an excellent week with my fiancée. We literally explored the entire island and checked everything between sea stacks, the Viking city of Visby and Expendables II. We did not however under any circumstances ride Icelandic horses … promise.
A Viking in Visby
A friendly sea stack dude called; "Hoburgsgubben"
Even more sea stacks, this one at sheep-island
Me drinking beer...
Song of the day: Arch Enemy - Nemesis
I'll be back