Richard Sjunnesson

Official blog of Richard Sjunnesson (The Unguided)

Din rädslo äro större än att bliva rovdjursföda

Kategori: Allmänt

In my usual manner, I initially will apology, for the fact that I rarely update the blog. But it has its very apparent reason in the constant work on the new The Unguided album. I’m having a lot of fun with the lyrics to the new songs and the creativity is flowing! Currently I have lyrics to 8 out of 12 songs finished (including Singularity and Eye Of The Thylacine.) And this weekend I will travel down to Halmstad and Sällström Audio, to meet up with Roland and start the vocal tracking. There’s still a long journey ahead of us, but instead of rushing the progress, a bit like we did on Hell Frost, we are going to take our time on this one.  A pre-summer release is at this point unrealistic and we’ll simply just have to see when everything is finished. There are some absolutely amazing songs to come and I’m dying to get them out to you!

As said before, some of those songs will be a bit more thematic than the majority of songs you found on Hell Frost. They will directly continue the story of Where The Frost Rose Withers, Singularity and Eye Of The Thylacine. From a temporal point of view; some of them take place after those songs, some before and some right in the between of them really. I don’t think they will be chronological placed out on the album since it more comes down to the flow of the music, when we decide the running order. But I have an ambition to at least get the first and last song right. At this point there are four more songs revolving around that theme and I’m sure there will be a couple of more once the lyrics are entirely complete. What does all this mean then? Well, basically that the majority of the album will be a concept-album.


The Book Of The Unguided

I got a great sketch from a fan the other day. Really skilled with that pen, thanks a lot! For whoever missed it there’s also a sale on Hell Frost related t-shirts in our web shop (save from the actual album shirt.) and also the tour with dEMOTIONAL and Smash Into Pieces, will be receiving a couple of more dates soon. If you are going to the Stockholm or Gothenburg show, please get your tickets and join the events on Facebook.

Sketch by "Chelsea Grin"

Also, I got this baby the other day. Rumors say it’s completely sold out by this time (limited to 8000 copies.) And this is by far the most awesome box set I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I will dig into it this evening!

Blind Guardian - A Traveler's Guide To Space And Time


Last week I was on-call at my job, so had some time to hang out with my buddy Robin in Ascend!  He had invested in a custom made lefty Fender bass guitar. That will certainly make Nils Henric Liljensparre proud.


Lefty powah!

Song of the day: Otyg – Trollslottet


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